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Dota 2

10 years ago

DAC Main Event Day 2 - Secret 1-2 VG

The first match of Day 2 will be Vici Gaming vs. Team Secret in the upper bracket Semi-Finals. Both teams are in good shape and went 2-0 in the quarter finals.

Main Event Day 1 schedule (CET): 

Secret vs. Vici Gaming 1-2
EG vs. Big God 06.15
iG vs. LGD 09.15
Cloud9 vs. EHOME 10.30
Na'Vi vs. HGT 11.45 
HR vs. Rave 13.00


Secret vs. Vici Gaming

Game One [W: Vici Gaming]

Vici Gaming rotated their lanes and positions a bit as IceIceIce took on the midlane with his Tidehunter against the duallane of Kuroky and Arteezy. Both teams opted for a bit of a greedy start with fy and Puppey jungling. It was a stale laning stage transition into the midgame, despite fy's early Blink Dagger. Then however, a pickoff on three Vici Gaming heroes secured the Europeans the mid rax and the Chinese found themselves on the backside of things. 40 mins in, yet another lane of rax fell and Secret got stronger and stronger. Vici Gaming however also found enough farm and was able to contest the teamfights, which is why Secret chose to splitpush and get mega creeps. A few good pick-offs from Vici Gaming forced buybacks and eventually the Chinese were able to push in without being in danger of getting splitpushed. At that point, VG's teamfight was too strong, despite a good setup from Secret and the Europeans tapped out.


Game Two [W: Team Secret]

A very unusual draft from Vici Gaming seemed to work out in the very beginning, as fy stalled the progression of Puppey's Chen and iceiceice was able to keep the enemy safelane in check. A few careless movements and engagements from Vici Gaming however brought all of Secret back into the game and both zai as well as s4 managed to pick up an early Blink Dagger still. Arteezy, who was able to win his lane against Super quite convincingly, picked up a Vanguard and was tough to bring down. From there on out, Secret pushed in and VG had barely answers. Secret thus managed to secure early raxes and VG tried their best to contest, but had admit defeat.


Game Three [W: Vici Gaming]

Vici Gaming opted for a very uncommon draft these days with a Shadow Demond and a Mirana. Their laning stage could have gone better, as Super got zoned out early by Enchantress creeps, but the Chinese came back even stronger by solo killing Arteezy. The rotations from the two VG supports secure Super a good early-midgame and Black^ remained untouched and could farm as much as he wanted to. Vici Gaming had a lot of burst damage with the amplified damage from SD and s4 on his Bristle turned out to be the very opposite of tanky, dying 5 times within 15mins. The Chinese took control of the game, found pick-off after pick-off and Secret could only watch as their rax fell.



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