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Dota 210 years ago

Cloud9 pull out of i-League Season 2

Cloud9 has pulled out of i-League Season 2, as the communication between the organizers and the team were not sufficient enough. ImbaTV has apparently not communicated their actual prizepool properly, which is one of the reasons Cloud 9 won't attend the LAN finals.

In the wake of Cloud9 pulling out of i-League season 2, IMBA TV's tournament organizer published a reply to Jacky 'Eternal Envy' Mao's blog post. In it he talked about how Eternal Envy's attitude was the problem and not tournament organizers; he also countered almost every point made by EE by offering a different point of view. One of the more notable counter point is that tournament nowadays have qualifiers not for the sake of having more games, but for the sake of giving teir 2 teams an easier time to get recongnition.

At the end of the post, IMBA TV's tournament organizer wrote that Cloud9 has voluntarily and officially pulled out of i-League season 2 citing that Cloud9's players agreed that the lower price pool compared to i-League season 1 was not worth playing for. A replacement team for Cloud9 was not announced in the post.

Support player Kurtis 'Aui_2000' Ling has elaborated on the teams withdrawal on reddit, stating that the falsely advertised prizepool was only one of the reasons. "I don't want to have another bad China experience because I think it's team ruining and I think a misleading prize pool advertisement sort of indicates a bad experience", says Ling. The prospect of getting both their prizemoney and their flight costs paid out in cash was also not a good indicator.

Participating Teams:
China Vici Gaming
Korea MVP.Phoenix
Europe Cloud9
Russia Virtus.Pro
Russia HellRaisers
China TBD
China TBD
China TBD


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