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Dota 211 years ago

Evil Geniuses take down Team DK in straight games, to face up against Newbee in Winner Bracket final

As Newbee defeat Vici Gaming to send them to the lower bracket, Evil Geniuses face up against DK to decide who will meet them in the game that decides the Grand Final.


Game 1

Draft - Evil Geniuses choose two of their favourite heroes of the tournament taking both Razor and Tidehunter. DK respond by picking up the pushing wombo combo of Death Prophet and Shadow Shaman. Quickly after the crowd goes wild for the big Ursa pick from EG, which they follow up with Enchantress and Mirana, looking to get some early game aggression. DK look to push and and retain towers by taking Invoker and Treant Protector.

0:00 - Lanm nearly gets caught out in the Dire jungle, but EG fail to bring protection and the Treant just uses Nature's guise and walks away.

2:00 - EG go in for a cheeky Roshan very early on! 

2:30 - They take the Roshan and boost levels on Enchantress and Ursa

4:20 FIRST BLOOD! Ursa and Ecnhantress catch out Shadow Shaman at the rune taking him out and even living through a Sunstrike from Iceiceice, saving the aegis and taking the first blood

6:11 - The support Ursa picks up another kill on Lanm getting level 6

6:50 - Shadow Shaman saves Death Prophet, but eventually falls to Arteezy. Iceiceice again goes for a trade and succeds in landing the sunstrike on Arteezy's Razor

10:04 - Universe commits the Ravage to take out Shadow Shaman again

12:10 - Arteezy kills of Iceiceice, tanking a sunstrike and then managing to TP out to safety on virtually no health

13:33 - EG manage to take another Roshan and continue to carry out what looks like a very specific strategy

14:27 - After getting ganked by Treant and Shadow Shaman, the turn around happens with Universe helping out with Ravage to give Razor the double kill

16:01 - Arteezy finally gets successfuly ganked, but still the counter play gets a two for one exchange ultimately in favour of EG

16:59 - The tier one bottom tower goes down on the Dire side, but EG again get a trade to take out Mushi

17:20 - Perfectly executed gank from DK, taking out Zai in the jungle 

19:40 - DK trade a tier one tower for a tier two in their favour with Shadow Shaman and Dearh Prophet

24:00 - After intiation from DK at top, they manage to take a 2 for 4 exchange, taking out key cores on EG

25:10 - A back and forth engagement turns into two clean kills for DK

27:18 - EG just manage to snag Roshan and get Iceiceice and a BKB charge from Burn1ng

31:00 - Enchantress goes down for EG and Iceiceice falls for DK, but DK then manage to get the bottom tier three with the huge puch from Death Prophet and Shadow Shaman

34:10 - EG just manage to save their melee barracks against the sneaky split push from DK at bottom

41:26 - Iceiceice gets caught at bottom and hexed as he is porting out, while Arteezy manages to fend off the split push with Universe at top

46:32 - EG take a huge series of fights, forcing out buybacks from three heroes on DK and then manage to push up with the RAzor ultimate to take their own lane of barracks

48:46 - EG take another Roshan, this the fifth one of the game all going the way of the Americans

51:10 - Iceicie gets caught out AGAIN and this time with no buyback for a while

51:10 - DK go all in and TP to mid to put the pressure on and totally negate the push

55:00 GG! - EG just walk up mid lane into the DK base with the Razor ultimate and refresher just melting the base and DK can't do anything about it! The Ancient goes down with Mushi being left in the Dire base without a TP and GG is called

Game 2

Draft - DK start off with two classic picks of the tournament taking Skywrath Mage and Faceless Void, which has proved to be very explosive. EG take Razor again off the back of their success last game. After that the picks get a little more creative as we see Windranger and Timbersaw from DK and Abbadon for EG. They then take Dragon Knight as a more standard mid lane pick, probably forcing Razor into the safe lane.

4:53 - The first tower of the game goes down against EG before any kills happen

5:25 - EG find the trade in DK's own offlane, by taking the tower. A slow start to the game from both sides

6:53 FIRST BLOOD - DK take the first kill of the game by ganking Mason's Razor in the safe lane

7:01 - DK take another trade at mid, losing Mushi, but punishing Arteezy for his diving

13:12 - Zai gets hit by a Chronosphere at mid, which takes the kill lead for DK to 4-1

16:14 - Iceiceice dives a little too far at bottom lane and gets taken out, but DK get the trade by killing Arteezy walking out of the Dire jungle

19:04  - EG take the DK tier two at mid, but Burn1ng lands a great Chronosphere to burst down Mason. However, EG find the exchange by taking down Iceiceice on the retreat

20:24 - Universe gets caught out at top and bursted down by the Void Skywrath combo

21:24 - EG push into the bot lane taking two kills, and destroying the tier two tower. Feeling confident they just push straight into the high ground

23:50 - The story of the offlaners continues as Universe gets found out trying to TP from his own jungle by a shackle from Mushi eventually falling

27:00 - DK smoke round the back of EG as they approach the bottom highground, but ultimately lose two heroes. However, MMY managed to pull the creep wave away from his own barracks, forcing EG to back out

32:54 - Arteezy decides to go fully into the exposed bottom barracks with 37 armour and even though he dies EG take the barracks and rotate to mid

33:20 - EG smell blood and buyback both Dragon Knight and Silencer very smartly to keep pressuring the mid barracks of Dire. Not even Chronosphere and an incredible two man boat from Kunkka could stop the push from EG. They take mid barracks, back up and take Roshan

35:45 GG! - EG keep up the pressure with the Aegis to fall back on and push into the final barracks. Void jumps in and instantly gets hexed leaving him useless. With DK on the back foot EG just overwhelmed them before the Chinese tap out


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