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The International 2024
Dota 26 months ago

TI 2024 infographics; Viewership, prize pool and games

We've put together some helpful infographics for The International 2024. 

Now that the dust has settled at The International 2024 (TI 2024), we've gathered and organized, the key highlights and trends to present to fans at a glance since a picture says 1,000 words. 

From viewership figures to the prize pool, and a visual map of the diverse hero picks, this infographic encapsulates the essence of the esports phenomenon, delivering a comprehensive snapshot of the grandeur that unfolded on the TI battlefield.

So dive into the intricate world of Dota 2's pinnacle event through an engaging visual journey.

The International 2024 Viewership 

The International 2024 was viewed by hundreds of thousands across the globe. According to EsportsCharts, more than 1.5 million viewers checked in for the action at one point. It is important to note that this does not include information from Chinese streaming platforms – douyu, huya, or bilibili – as they do not disclose their numbers. 

This peak in viewership is an increase from last year – which gives promise and a silver lining for those anxious about how the decrease in prize pool might impact fan interest. 

The overall average viewership was lower than in previous years, but let's not get too hasty on jumping to conclusions – it was also a much shorter format than last year and there were only a whopping 123 games played compared to 150 games played in 2023 and 194 games played at TI 2022. 

The International 2024 Prize Pool 

The International 2024 prize pool started like any other year – with a base amount of $1,600,000. However, the event that became synonymous with jaw-dropping prize pool amounts failed to deliver this year. It clocked in just over $2.5 million at the end.* 

It somewhat followed the same trend as last year but still managed to come in almost $1,000,000 less – and far less than TI 2021 which was the highest ever in history. 

TI 2024 is the lowest amount since the compendium was introduced in 2013. That year the final prize pool was $2,874,380. 

With the prize pool just over $2.5 million, TI 2024 champions Team Liquid took home less than what TI 2022 third-place Team Liquid earned for their efforts. Compare that to the staggering amount that Tundra Esports grabbed for their 2022 achievement of more than $8.5 million – but it is about the prestige, not the money right!? Right?

*Final numbers are based on final sales from the compendium and are subject to adjustment. 

The International 2024 Games

Similar to the previous year, The International 2024 was split into two distinct phases: The qualifiers, group stage, and playoffs (until the top 8) were branded as part of The Road to The International, while the playoffs for the remaining 8 teams were branded as The International itself. 

There was a group stage and a seeding decider before the playoffs. Thanks to this format and so many 2:0 sweeps through the playoffs there were only 123 games played in total. The distribution of games based on time has an unusual trend. A similar number of games ended in the 30-35 minute bracket and the 40-45 minute bracket, with a slight dip in the 35-40 minute bracket. On the whole, the distribution is pretty well balanced, showing that the meta favoured neither a deathball nor a very late game strategy.


The International 2024 Heroes

Only 99 heroes were picked throughout the tournament, which is lower than the majority of past TIs. At TI10, the first two days of group stages saw 104 heroes picked in 80 games. But this is probably also due to the new group stage format. Additionally, facets were recently introduced to the game in Dota 2 patch 7.36. The viability of a lot of heroes is based on their facets, and IceFrog and Valve are yet to find the right balance of facets for all heroes. The ones that have strong facets tend to make the cut.

With Team Liquid claiming the Aegis of Champions at The International 2024, the Dota 2 scene is now in its post-TI roster shuffle period as teams are disbanded, retooled, or even remade entirely in an effort to assemble the best rosters possible to try and capture next year's world championship title. For all the latest news on Dota 2's ongoing roster shuffle, check out GosuGamers' tracker here

 For more match results and updates on the go don't forget to check out our Telegram channel.

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2