At the end of BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024, we take a look at the meta based on the games played in the tournament.
The first premier Dota 2 tournament of 2024 is complete with a newly formed team taking the top prize. Team Falcons from the new Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region put up an impressive performance against Team Liquid in the grand final to defeat them 3-0. The season is already shaping up to be an interesting one, and much more competitive than what the Dota 2 community was served last year, which was a Western European fest in the grand finals of three DPC Majors.
The best teams in the world competed in Dubai for the chance to win the top prize of $400,000. A total of 92 games were played in that quest and 100 heroes were picked in those games. GosuGamers already looked at how the meta evolving around Dota 2 patch 7.35 looked from the plethora of qualifier games in January. Here, we look at any new patterns that might be visible based on the BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 games. All data has been taken from datDota.
Most Picked Heroes of BetBoom Dacha
The 15 most picked heroes from BetBoom Dacha show agreement for the most part with those from the qualifiers games. There are, however, a few new names. Dragon Knight was revealed to be a strong hero in the mid lane as well as the offlane. Timbersaw broke the shackles of being banned in most games to be picked a good number of times, but was extremely underwhelming. The case with Hoodwink was similar as well – a hero with a low pick rate, but high win rate in the qualifier games, but not so successful in Dubai. Of course, Team Falcons may not agree with that, as they used the hero quite successfully. A few other new names include Puck, Crystal Maiden and Sven. The meta is in that semi solid state where a few heroes are here to stay, but teams are still figuring out new heroes as well.
(taken from datDota)
Most Contested Heroes of BetBoom Dacha
The most contested heroes show which ones didn’t make the most picked list due to being banned in most games, and in this case, it is Doom and Chen. Both of them were banned in the majority of the games, and all their bans came in the first phase! Teams really do not want to play against these heroes. The third most banned hero, Timbersaw, has significantly lower bans against his name than these two.
On the other hand, it is fascinating to see that 40 out of Puck’s 46 bans came in the third phase. Teams typically tend to hold the mid pick till the final phase, which is when a lot of the good options get banned. For carries like Faceless Void and Naga Siren, the bans lie in the second phase.
(taken from datDota)
Highest Win Rate Heroes of BetBoom Dacha (picked in at least 20 games)
To sieve out the heroes that are performing well, the heroes picked in at least 20 games were looked at and those with the highest win rates were highlighted. Puck, Mars, Rubick, Lion and Crystal Maiden had significantly above-average win rates. Mars, who was out of the meta for a while before Dota 2 patch 7.35 was released, is back with a bang and here to stay.
(taken from datDota)
Unpicked Heroes from BetBoom Dacha
There are bound to be more than a few unpicked heroes in every Dota 2 tournament. At BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024, there were 24 of them (a good number to go with the year!). Few of these heroes, like Chaos Knight, Earthshaker and Wraith King, have had their time in the spotlight in the last meta. The others though, could use a bit of a push in the next balance patch. Abaddon, weirdly enough, is a successful pick as a carry and support in the top tier of pubs. But in professional games, it doesn't seem like he strikes a chord with any of the teams.
(taken from datDota)
Distribution of Games Based on Time for BetBoom Dacha
A sample size of 92 games isn’t big enough to determine what sort of meta we are gazing into based on the game times. Nonetheless, it is interesting to take a look at the data, and the data puts a staggering 51.09% of the games in the 30-40 minute bracket! Typically, this is the bracket that has the most number of games, but never is it so skewed. Only 10.87% of the games ended before the half hour mark and 38.04% of the games went beyond 40%. It definitely does not seem like it is a fast paced meta.

BetBoom Dacha Dubai 2024 was an interesting tournament to begin 2024. Gyrocopter was picked only 7 times with 4 wins, but 3 of those picks and wins came in the grand final when Team Falcons picked him! This is the part where there is still manoeuvrability in the meta, and in the upcoming Dota 2 tournaments – the most recent of which is DreamLeague Season 22 – we will get to see a few more of these unexpected picks along with the regular ones that have shown up for the past few months.