The newly released Dota 2 patch 7.33 is a behemoth, but here are five big takeaways about the impact on gameplay.
Dota 2 is a game that has constantly been evolving since its release in 2013, with updates and patches being released regularly (sort of) to keep the game fresh and balanced. One of the most recent updates to the game is patch 7.33, which introduces a number of significant (to say the least) changes to the game.
Patch 7.33 is game-changing, leaving many feeling like Dota 3 has been released. From two Roshan pits, watchers, gates, tormentors, lotus pools, wisdom runes, universal attributes, and more, things have seriously changed.
Even Valve has recommended that players read the patch notes "slowly, over the course of the next few weeks so you don't get overstimulated".
So without further ado, let's look at some of the most notable impacts of this patch.
Global Heroes
Between map changes and an increase in size by 40%, heroes with global abilities will become much more valuable.
Heroes whose abilities have a global range, meaning they can affect any part of the map from anywhere on the map such as Spectre, Nature's Prophet, and Zeus will provide valuable strategic advantages to their teams as the maneuverability, map control, and economic impacts have been greatly increased.
Map Control
If map awareness and map control were important before, it becomes even more so now.
- The Twin Gates connect and allow players to relocate from one corner of the map to the other —next to both of the Roshan pits.
- The Defender’s gates increase maneuverability, allowing players to juke their opponents.
- Watchers, when activated, grant vision over their area for 7 minutes. Kill Roshan and turn Watchers (and vision advantage) to your side.
The Safelane Tier One becomes more important as a tower that gives direct access to the Twin Gate and sits near the Lotus Pool.
The interactive map on the New Frontiers Update page tells you exactly where an object/building is and what it does so be sure to check it out.
Mid and Carry
Heroes that are able to be more self-sustaining and independent will become a priority for these roles and laning phase.
However, sitting on your lane to farm will be much less effective with the gold scaling for lane creeps reduced. Kills are a lot more profitable, and it becomes virtually impossible to protect your carry or mid-player with the sheer size of the map and free teleport spots.
Thanks to the bigger map, 12 new creep camps, tormentors, wisdom runes, and item drops, there is more economy on the map and more places to farm.
Getting roughly ~40% of your level six at the seven-minute mark is a huge advantage thanks to the Wisdom Runes.
Tormentors respawning every 10 minutes guaranteed offer up free gold and XP boost in the later portions of the game.
Whether you are new to Dota 2, reinstalling it after a hiatus or just a noob in general, getting back into the game now is actually easier and better than ever.
Patch 7.33 has transformed Dota 2 into an entirely different game. Carry players don't even know where to find the camps right now. Players aren't even sure which objectives to prioritize or how to use certain items and locations effectively.
Both pub games AND professional games look like a three-ring circus so you are sure to not stand out among them when throwing your hat into the ring and joining in the mix.
Watch the Pros
Patch 7.33 was released midway through DPC Division II league play, two days before the playoffs of DreamLeague - ESL Pro Tour, and less than a week before Berlin Major.
If you are itching to see the pro's adjustment to the new patch in real time, head over to some of the Division II games in the various regions or check out the playoffs of DreamLeague - ESL Pro Tour which is set to begin today.
- Shopify Rebellion
Tundra Esports lower bracket semi-finals at 15:00 CEST
- Team Liquid
Gaimin Gladiators upper bracket finals at 18:30 CEST
Or you can wait to see how the best teams around the world adapted after a week of studying and practicing on patch 7.33 in just another four days.
Berlin Major
Eighteen of the world's best teams will compete for the lion's share of the $500,000 prize pool and 2700 DPC points between April 26-May 7th.
The event will begin on April 26, but fans will be able to watch live at Velodrom Arena from May 5-7th.
The Velodrom, one of Berlin's largest concert venues, is an indoor track cycling arena with a capacity for 12,000 people.
- Read Dota 2 Berlin Major information announced