A long and informative interview has been made with the SK-Gaming manager Enrique. Enrique is one of the most talented and experienced managers in the WC3 scene, and is most known for winning WC3L Season 6 with 64AMD.
One of my own favourite writers in the eSport community, Keni, has made an interview with the experienced and talented manager SK.Enrique. The interview includes his gaming and clan history, as well as his views on lots of subjects in the WarCraft III scene both from yesterday, today and tomorrow. At first we find out that his nickname is from the singer Enrique Iglesias, which he was listening too when searching for a new nickname.
- From many times I have regretted that I picked that nickname, he says and points out that he maybe should have chosen the name of the song instead - hero.
Winning WC3L Season 6 with 64AMD
Enrique or hero, his name will, as Keni writes be forever forged in the history of WarCraft III competitive gaming. He has many achievements as a manger. Most known must be leading 64AMD to victory in WC3L Season 6, and of course winning ENC Season 2 with Team Sweden. Now, he is the manager of SK-Gaming, and has helped the team to an upper curve again after a hectic time for the team. But how did he end up in SK-Gaming?
- It was KidArctica who approached me and asked if I knew any good orga that could help her out in SK since she felt that it was too much work with being both manager and also being responsible for all the coverage she did. Enrique then said that he was interested and was thereby the new SK manager, together with KidArctica.
Left a troubled 64AMD, joined SK in trouble
He left a troubled 64AMD behind since he felt it was not able to hold together. All the achievements and WC3L victories made other teams have their eyes on 64AMD's players.
- Sure I could have stayed with 64AMD until the end, but would the offer from SK still be there? Enrique also adds that he liked the whole thing with SK was in a bit of a trouble and he really thought he could do a difference there. And he did. Once he teamed up with SK-Gaming, they ended on a 3rd place in WC3L Season 7. And SK have seemed to be one of the hot teams again in WC3L, and Enrique mentions that the 2on2 problem seems to be solved. Enrique tried Deadman and HoT in the latest clanwar against mYm, and actually won the 2on2.
This and a lot more can be found in the feature interview with Enrique. How about his clan history going way back in his StarCraft: Brood War times, where he played in Stars. They also take up subjects such as CPL and of course more from WC3L. You have to be registered to read it, but it is definitely worth it.
Four-Kings.com - Interview with Enrique, by Keni