Presenting our Champions, mousesports:

The season concluded with mouz on the top of league standings after amassing six wins and one draw - their undefeated streak placed them at 13 points, far ahead of first runner's up Darer and third placed team GamersLeague (see full list of team standings). BFB, the replacement team for Keita, as well as disqualified team Moscow Five will be replaced by Na`Vi and Kaipi from Division 2a and 2b respectively in the next season.
mousesports' domination of the tournament even prompted ComeWithMe to remark that the season was an easy one for the team. In a post-victory interview with CWM, the player agreed that "[mouz] couldn’t think of this tournament the same way we think about a LAN tournament like StarLadder or such."
After seven playdays and a total of fourteen matches played out, the highly aggressive play of Kazakhstan team stood out with Mantis and eQual entering the scoreboard for players with the highest average kills per game. Meanwhile, our original 'top killer' in the previous edition our GosuLeague statistics report FAILETZ close in at second place with an average of 9.36 kills a game.
While overaggression pays off in terms of the number of kills you get each game, it also spilled over into deaths for, with support player LuCky taking over FckingMad as our top feeder for this season with an average of 6.73 deaths a game. Don't know what we are talking about? Check out our mid-season statistics report.
If you have been wondering where our season three champions' were on the statistics board, mousesports feature heavily in our next two calculations for players with the highest average assists and Gold Per Minute. While the general rule of thumb against stopping Darer was to ensure G's presence in the was stifled, that did not prevent G from earning the highest teamfight participation this season with an impressive average of 17 assists per game.
Emphasizing teamfight execution and methodogical farming was evidently the name of the game for mousesports this season, with high assists and Gold Per Minute scores indicating that the team picks their fights when they are together, but yet opens up free space for their heroes to get farmed up when a fight is not forced.

The four heroes that rocked Season 3 where utility heroes which, apart from Chen, was able to peak in the mid game with a focus on their ability to land certain key spells (Windrunner's Shackleshot, Leshrac's Split Earth and Invoker's heap of team fight abilities).
While Chen and Invoker used to be top bans themselves in the European competitive scene, it seems the recent introduction of popular heroes such as Chaos Knight, Brewmaster and Naga Siren have allowed the two to finally see some play in matches.
Windrunner and Leshrac, however, have been staple competitive picks and their entry into Top Picks for the season should strike no one as surprising given their versatility and ability to adapt to various roles as the game progresses.
When we broke down the average Gold Per Minute of each hero in those games, here's what we found:
Windrunner - 340
Leshrac - 374
Chen - 256
Invoker - 356
These numbers are decent at best for any hero, but sub-par when we consider the value that teams have placed on these heroes in their drafts - perhaps the focus is slowly shifting towards mid-game team fight execution as opposed to amassing farm?

When it came to heroes which no one wanted to play with, summoners reigned supreme. Lycanthrope, Broodmother and Nature's Prophet easily stole top bans this season with their ability to instantly summon tanky or high damage units which would easily siege towers even without creep support.
Fans of Russian Dota 2 would be familiar to situations where a lost teamfight or successful gank immediately transitioned into a two tower trade with a Nature's Prophet (for example), and this was a situation that was repeated throughout matches in Season 3.
Even though Dark Seer's Aghanim Scepter's upgrade was nerfed, that did not stop teams from abusing the insane turtling and team fight capabilities which an easy Vacuum or Wall of Replica provided (just ask Na`Vi). But one is prompted to wonder - are banning push heroes simply enough to stop the push?

Who is GamersLeague's FAILETZ, you might ask. Or for that matter, who are GamersLeague? The underdogs of GosuLeague's third season managed to secure clutch wins against Darer and mTw - two teams who will be playing at The International in less than one month's time - and finish third with a prize check of $1,000.
And while GamersLeague are all about 'proving that they can play at the level of top teams and against teams like Darer and mouz', as FAILETZ admitted to us in an interview, we feel that they - and in particular FAILETZ - have done much more than that. The statistics show, too.
Qualifying from Division 2b after finishing top at the end of Season 2, the spotlight was on mTw (who came fresh from their DreamHack victory) to take Season 3 of GosuLeague with ease, and defend their title online. But a series of ups and downs proved all of us wrong (take this for example).
FAILETZ, who plays carry for GamersLeague, was all about sharing the honor for Most Valuable Player this season. "Being the carry player means you play the type of heroes that basically take all the kills and farm - he's the player that always shines above the rest of his team. I don't take this 'award' personally because I wouldn't have shone without the rest of my team leaving me the kills and the farm."
"I just play my best and I hope that will be enough to get us through the game."
The season itself was tough on GamersLeague, who had to play with a stable roster of only two players (him and Sava_Doom) and standins. Things will shape up next season, however, says FAILETZ.
"As for next season, I think we will have a stable and good roster - and we can only hope to improve."
The return of the king - what about the entry of teams Na`Vi and Kaipi? "I don't know much about Kaipi, but I'm sure they deserved their Division 1 slot. And who doesn't know Na`Vi? I look forward to playing against them, and I would be happy if we at least make them sweat!" FAILETZ remarked grinningly.
The heat is now on for Season 4, where FAILETZ looks to repeat a stellar debut season at GosuLeague.
"I'm really happy with my performance, and thank you for this honor. Shoutouts to Sava_Doom, Quix, Pisotmo, Cilium and all others who helped us get into top three at this amazing tournament!"