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General15 years ago

Disbandment dismantles Malaysian team

Less than a week after changing from Ftz-Asia, Extreme Sphinx face their captain's disbandment, alongside their manager.

With the intention of improving their ranks in 2010, Ftz-Asia rebranded to Extreme Sphinx. However, 6 days after the name change, the team faces a major breakdown, totally compromising their aspirations for the next weeks.

Extreme Sphinx Roster
Malaysia Teoh 'Mil|er' Boon Chuan (C)
Malaysia Low 'BaObAo' Chong Yeow
Malaysia Ooi 'D3' Kean Choon
Malaysia Lai 'n[o]v.2' Keng Leong
Lim 'Mikebz' Tze Khai, malaysian star player, decides to retire, leaving the roster incomplete and unable to participate in tournaments until a fifth player is to be found. In addition to losing their key player, Extreme Sphinx faces some larger issues, when their long-time manager Chen 'Chenizace' Chinyi decides to leave the team. He stated:

- "I had been thinking for sometime after MikeBz announced his retirement and I have decided to leave the team that I have worked very hard for all this while. After this, I will form a new team. I had contacted a few players that had lost their interest in DotA and were planning for retirement, and also a new sponsor. I am still negotiating with them, and the result should be around the corner. Lastly, I would like to wish my former teammates all the best and thank you for the time that we fight together!"

This leaves Extreme Sphinx' current captain Teoh 'Mil|er' Boon Chua in search for the fifth element to rebuild his team, or else, they cannot compete.

Source - SGamer