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OG removes ISSAA from their CS:GO roster

Decision was made to rebuild the team’s roster moving forward

Following Nathan “NBK” Schmitt benching, it is now Issa “ISSAA” Murad turn to be benched as team OG attempts to make a roster change following low performance and lack of achievements in 2020.

He originally joined the roster 15 months ago, at the early part of the pandemic. As most competitions are still limited to online-only plays these days, having good internet access is essential to ensure smooth plays with the OG team, which is primarily based in the EU. As Issa is based in Jordan, he has complained of high ping rates during competition.

According to a statement by OG, the parting ways between Issa and them were made in mutual agreement, and they thanked his contribution for the past 15 months. Issa himself also put out a tweet mentioning that he will be sharing updates on his position in the next few days on where he will be heading next.

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu