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WoW19 years ago

Duskwood Graveyard in Patch 1.9


Showing some CM Humor, Eyonix replied that patch 1.9 will make the Graveyard of Raven Hill, Duskwood, work properly. This will alleviate a lot of the frustration of walking for 5 minutes to your corpse.

Topoasis@Gul'dan: If you die in the Raven Hill,it is a really long distance to cover your corpse ,what do you think ,I just think the graveyard at Sentinel Hill is nearer than Duskwood's if you die in Raven Hill. Just some complain ,can Blizzard make the death choose the graveyard much more "clever"?

Eyonix: The good news is that the last content patch included a new graveyard at RavenHill, however, the bad news is that it's not working correctly. Fortunately, this should be fixed in patch version 1.9.

In the meantime, please follow the very simple work-around which has been outlined in great detail below, and tested extensively proving to be a successful way in which players can avoid encountering this bug.

1) Don't die.