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General18 years ago

MYM renews contracts - BerA out, FoCuS in


Today MeetYourMakers announced that they have renewed the contracts of their Asian players for another 12 months. At the same time BerA leaves the team to make space for another Korean Orc-player - FoCus.

MYM's roster
South Korea Moon
South Korea Lucifer
South Korea Susiria
South Korea Storm
South Korea EVE
South Korea FoCuS
China Yellow
A few hours ago MeetYourMakers announced that they had renewed the contracts with all their Asian players except BerA. This means that we will he star players like Lucifer and Moon play with the MYM-tag for at least another year. According to MYM BerA wished to end his career as a professional WC3 player, which resulted in not renewing his contract. Markus Stefanko, CTO of MYM, states the following about Moon's contract: "Jang 'MYM]Moon' JaeHo, with the renewal of his 12 months contract with MYM has achieved a contract that contains the salary of the best/highest paid Esports player in professional Warcraft III and by that moving a yearly amount never seen before in that genre of Esports."

Lucifer, one of the players with a renewed contract.

With one Orc-player leaving, another one joins. MYM have chosen to recruit FoCuS, who has played in teams like WE.IGE and NoA. He has been performing well lately in various tournaments and he was the obvious choice according to their manager Nordahl.
- Today I am happy to announce that I am joining MYM. The MYM team has a lot of star players which I can practice with and I am so glad to get this oppertunity. I will do my best in MYM to play good, practice and improve my skill in all aspects, says FoCuS about his new team.

Links - Source - Official site