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General19 years ago

Deli, Ziebed and DwC to idle


More players joining clans partaking in WC3L Season 10 qualifiers. Just now, idle.wc3 announced three new additions to their lineup. The oldschool player DeliCato, Ziebed and the fairly unknown Ukranian DwC.

idle.wc3 lineup
Sweden aNTy
Ukraine DwC
Sweden eNs
Sweden DeliCato
Sweden kiske
Sweden SjoW
Sweden Tharkas
Sweden Yenmoon
Sweden Ziebed is an Estonian-based multigaming clan with teams in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty 2, Quake 4, Trackmania Nation and of course WarCraft 3. Their lineup is mainly Swedish, with players from old plan-B.swe, and should be considered the best Swedish clan right now. And they just got a little better, as they took in three new members for the upcoming WC3L qualifier and their WarCraft Premier League season. Two former Team Sweden players, and and a fairly unknown Ukranian player.

DeliCato and Ziebed back on the scene

Two Swedes and a Ukranian player - two Night Elves and a Human player. The two Swedes are Sweden DeliCato and Sweden Ziebed. The two are two very known and respected players, especially DeliCato as he also was in the very top of Swedish gaming back in the StarCraft days. He now joins up with his former 2on2 partner, SjoW, and hopefully we will get to see him in 1on1 as well. The second Swede is the Night Elf player Ziebed, who has played in plan-B before, and after having a break he felt the Sentinels cry for him he was asked by idle to join which he did. Their third newest member is the Ukranian player Ukraine DwC. He was picked up by kiske after playing an online tournament and he saw a bright future for the Night Elf player.

GosuGamers caught up with Ziebed for a short interview about joining idle, their chances of reaching the regular season and if he gets to play tonight against France Eurpean Fight Club, the first WC3L Season 10 qualifier match.

What made you join idle.wc3?
- I joined them because I wanted to play some wc3 again and some of my friends play there. So randomne asked me if I wanted to join and I said yes

What clan were you previously in, and what made you stop playing earlier?
- Basically the only clan I've been in is plan-B, which I left in september or something? I haven't played much since :) I quit because it wasn't fun anymore for various reasons including problems with my old clan and also a "what now then?" feeling after winning ENC.

How do you think today's game against efc will end up?
- I am confident that we will win vs EFC today, although I have no idea who they are but that's usually a good sign :)

What are your chances of qualifying for the WC3L?
- I also think we have pretty good chances of qualifying for the WC3L, but I can't say I know all the clans in there so maybe I'm up for a few surprises.

Do you think you will get to play tonight?
- Yes I think I'll play tonight.

Links - Source (Swedish) - Original newspost - idle.wc3 at WC3L