Bjarke, Rholle, SunShinE, LiiL.D-C and WinneR have all been "released" from team Fnatic, while XyLigan, Satiini and Abver joins the European team.
- The result of this WarCraft III Champions League season was not what we had expected, writes triMble, manager at fnatic.
fnatic.wc3 Lineup |

- I’m really happy that we can open a new episode within the Fnatic WarCraft III squad with this small and extremely powerful roster, says the newly joined co-manager rukie.
This has nothing to do with any scandals or so, as triMble, first man manager of fnatic says that "time has come for changes which makes this step necessary", and that all they players put a lot of effort and dedication into the team. Fnatic further writes that the Norwegian player Creolophus has been sold to 4Kings. He was not "released", as the other players were. No official statement has come from 4Kings.Intel yet. Creolophus could be the Night Elf player that 4Kings are said to need.

Links - Official newspost