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StarCraft 212 years ago

Balance Testing: Warp Prism Buffed

"Derelict Watcher TE (2.0.8 Balance v1.0)" has been released and brings a small buff to the Warp Prism aimed at helping Protoss at the highest level of play. As always Blizzard calls the players to test the map and give as much feedback as possible on the forums.
  • Warp Prism   

             - The Gravitic Drive upgrade has been removed from the Robotics Bay.

             - Movement speed increased from 2.5 to 3.375.
             - Acceleration increased from 2.125 to 3.25.


The change is explained in a forum post by David Kim, where he talks of the recent problems Protoss are having mainly in PvT. According to Kim removing the upgrade and having Warp Prisms start off with the upgraded speed will encourage Protoss to be much more aggressive throughout the game from a much earlier point.


As always the change is being tested and according to feedback from the players might be altered or completely retracted.


Source: Blizzard
