It's the final day of the round of 64, and we have several exciting games coming up with Jinro, IdrA and SlayerS_BoxeR to name a few of the stars of today.
- RO64: GosuBets and Schedule
12:28 - Interview transcript with the one and only BoxeR:
In game 2 you sniped a medivac as though you had map hack on. Was it luck or did you have a gut feeling?
- He scanned his opponent and he saw a drop coming. So he placed a Viking at the most likely place and a marine at the least likely place and luckily it came to the viking.
How long do you think you can keep playing professional StarCraft 2? ODo you think you can win this season? And how much does your age affect your play?
- He will continue to like mid 30s, and if it goes well he will continue more. He doesn't think he can win unless he gets better at TvZ which he admits he is not quite good at. He will practice hard until he can be confident to win zerg. then he will be confident enough to win GSL. As for the effect on the age. It does not affect in-game, but more the things outside the game on how to spend his time.
13:21 - BoxeR going across the top to go at NEXON's destructible rocks to try to move splash in.
Yeah, BoxeR totally razing the base of NEXON. The few units of NEXON in there can not hold back. GG from NEXON, 2-0 to BoxeR!
13:19 - Vikings landing in BoxeR's mineral line, taking off some SCVs. An attack at the front door of BoxeR, siege tanks and marines. BoxeR not in position, thus losing a couple of workers. Finally in position with siege tanks, he can hold it off.
Another drop in the mineral line of BoxeR, NEXON landing a siege tank and some marines but quickly picks them up against to avoid fire.
13:17 - Siege mode for both players going, and we're seeing a cloaked Banshee from BoxeR going at NEXON's mineral line. Kills four SCVs. Moves to the expansion, but NEXON scans and hurts it with Vikings.
Going back to the main mineral line. NEXON building a turret in there to fend off the banshee. "That turret was my highschool papers. Good intention but is never gonna finish," says Artosis. Haha.
13:16 - A viking catches the Medivac on its way to Boxer's base! "HAX IN HIS BRAIN," says Tasteless. Manages to land two Hellions, but doesn't do much damage.
13:12 - BoxeR at red at top left, NEXON at top right as blue.
SlayerSBoxeR going double gas and then expansion, while NEXON going quick Factory, and then expands quickly as well. Hellions on the way from the reactored Factory.
Hellions out, goes to check BoxeR's base only to get greeted by a bunker full of four marines. Starport up for SlayerSBoxeR, researching siege mode for his tanks. Looks like we'll be having a Hellion drop coming from NEXON.
Game 2 - SlayerSBoxeR vs. NEXON @ Shakuras Plateau
13:11 - Starting soon!
13:07 - SlayerSBoxeR fends off more mech units from NEXON, and is now ahead in heaps, should be check mate soon. BoxeR also adding his third base. "BoxeR making it look easy, Tasteless," says Artosis.
"He's running out of tanks, running out of SCVs, he's running out of everything and now he has to lift off his Command Center," says Tasteless just before NEXON ggs. 1-0 to BoxeR.
13:05 - SlayerSBoxeR breaks free of the contain, and is now ahead in tech and unit count. He advances forward towards NEXON's expansion. BoxeR placing a set of siege tanks at the cliff right next to it, and manages to kill off some SCVs before getting forced back by a landing Viking.
13:02 - NEXON now with a siege tank and 10 marines outside Boxer's base. Boxer in good position to defend it. Has a Viking up to be able to hinder NEXON's medivac.
But NEXON instead goes for a marine drop in the main of BoxeR. Sniping off many SCVs before he can run away. BoxeR responds a bit late, but gets his Vikings and marines up to kill it off.
Game 1 - SlayerSBoxeR vs. NEXON @ Steppes of War
12:57 - The game has started, NEXON in red at the bottom right, SlayerSBoxeR as red at top right.
Nothing unusual so far, no proxies. Both players putting down a barracks. Seems like a fast expansion on the way for BoxeR with double gas, while NEXON goes Factory.
12:52 - SlayerSBoxeR going up against NEXON in just a couple of minutes.
Having myself another cup of coffee, while watching two streams as I want to check out what's happening at DreamHack as well. Luckily that won't start in yet a couple of hour.
Steppes of War, Shakuras, Plateau and Delta Quadrant are the maps that this Terran versus Terran will be played out on.
And here he is:
Here's NEXON.
12:52 - Here's what Check had to say:
Your team mate Foxer is one of the best marine rushers in the game. Did you practice a lot with him to fend off early marines as we saw you just fend off?
- He's been practicing a lot, not just for today, but has practicing a lot with Foxer, so yes.
Were you very comfortable going up against Destination, or were you nervous going up against an unknown player by not knowing his style?
- The maps that he played today was not favouring him so he was quite nervous before the game but with little luck he was able to overcome.
He's been eliminated by HopeTorture, how do you feel now that he is out of the tournament?
- A part of him wanted to play against him again, but he feels relieved that he is out of the tournament.
Get ready for SLAYERSBOXER!
Game 2 - Check vs. Destination @ Steppes of War
14 hatch for Check. Destination lays down a double barracks.
After some early pressure, we see Destination building three (!) more barracks, opting for an all-in marine build.
Moving out, with all his troops. He will be meeting some banelings who just popped out and a spine crawler. SCVs getting killed by the banelings, but Destination has a set of more marines coming in. Backed up in a corner at the expansion of Check, but loses to the many zerglings.
Now, Check is on the move to Destination's main, morphing some more banelings before running inside.
Entrance gets burst, Check comes in and kills off Destination.
2-0 to Check!
12:35 - Check breaking inside Terran's base. Lots and lots of Zerglings and Banelings on the way. Destination feels not really up-to-par with the Zerg's aggressive play.
12:26 - Game has started! Check as Zerg at '2, Destination at '12.
Fast Command Center, Tech Lab and early gas for Destination. Zerg going fast expansion and spawning pool. Two zerglings out for Check.
Four barracks being built for Destination. This looks more like a TvT from the Terran. Marauder just about to pop for Terran. Check getting Zergling speed.
A little meet-and-greet attack in the middle. Check losing his zerglings to the Marine/Marauder force. Check getting lots of banelings at his base, and is taking the gold expansion to the left.
Game 1 - Check vs. Destination @ Scrap Station
We have former WarCraft 3 progamer Check going up against the youngster Destination! This will be a treat.
12:19 - Getting some questions for choya. Apparently I missed the mothership in the last game. Aaanyway:
Was the Mothership just a diss?
- He always feels very nervous when playing in the booth. To overcome the nervousness he wanted to make sure he won.
You talk while in the booth, what do you say?
- He's a very nervous guy. If he lost he actually thought of going to a psychologist. He noticed a lot of Brood War progamers talk to themselves while playing, saying "he's good, he can take this. he's the best."
- On Jungle Basin, he expected Zerg to go all-in, so we went Void Rays to stop the early push. He actually planned to do Photon rush to get some harassing in the beginning, not to end the game. But he noticed his opponent panicked and went Roaches, so he went for void Rays to stop it.
12:06 - AnNyeong trying to buff up, going for Nydus Network. Protoss has his expansion up, and cannons spread out in his main.
Roaches breaks out of the base, kills the cannons outside. AnNyeong forced to attack with his roaches, but gets greeted by a Void Ray and Stalkers. Easily fended off by the Protoss.
No chance for AnNyeong. Will probably leave the game soon.
choya continues the fOu domination, and wins the game. 2-0 to choya!
Game 2 - AnNyeong vs. choya @ Metalopolis
12:00 - Game two has begun. Close positions. AnNyeong at '6, choya at '9.
Protoss blocks Zerg's ramp with two pylons, goign for an offensive cannons.
More pressure from Protoss. The Queens and Spine Crawler tries to hold it back. Nice positions by the Spine Crawler, but the Queen dies. Also having Roaches on the way.
Continued battle. Zerg can hold it off, but Protoss is a lot ahead in economy now. Behind on drones, but he might just be able to turn it around.
11:54 Baller move. Nydus Network, channels roaches down the bottom expansion of the Protoss. Big attack from Zerg, but is back away by Stalkers. Zerg gets flanked by another wave of stalkers.
Ouch, misclick, four-five Queens suicided after getting misclicked into the Protoss expansion.
More pressure from Protoss, who manages to take the first game.
11:51 - Zerg taking his third expansion now. With mutalisks and Roaches out along with a handful of Queens, he looks strong.
But Protoss has his micro-reliant Stalkers with Blink. Hoping to get some harass.
11:46 - A tight wall-in at the Protoss ramp. Stargate warping in for choya, along with two more gateways.
Void Ray being built. and a Phoenix.
AnNyeong on the other hand has gone for speed zerglings and speed roaches, and goes for the Destructible Rocks at the expansion. Protoss needs to defend, but the Zerg is inside and can surround the stalkers. High economy as well for the Zerg, so it does not look as an all-in.
Protoss' only hope is the Void Rays. But more units are on the way, more and more roaches coming in. Protoss can hold it off, with more stalkers being warped in. Nexus remains intact, with 50 or so hit points left. Quite a turn of events with Protoss holdin his ground.
11:43 - choya goes for Nexus first and forge second at his ramp. Artosis explains that this timing work very well on the map, even if Zerg goes pool first. choya sends down his six zerglings, and attacks the rocks next to the pocket expansion.
Game 1 - Choya vs. AnNyeong @ Jungle Basin
11:40 - Second game coming up soon. We have fOu player choya against Prime player AnNyeong.
Map list will be Jungle Basin, Metalopolis and Shakuras Plateau.
Protoss choya as blue in bottom right, and Terran AnNyeong top left as red Zerg.
11:36 - Interview transcript with winner mvp. Some parts are inaccurate, Artosis speaks too fast!
You're the number one ranked player on the SC2 ladder. Do you believe your ladder play has been influental to your success or do you rely more on practicing with your team?
- Both ladder experience and team play has cntributed a lot but today he would think that ladder has contributed more since he has played Banbans on ladder so he knows his style beforehand.
Were those builds building three barracks. or was it based on when you played Banbans before?
- He realized that BanBans likes all-in rushes or a long macro game so he went three-barracks rush. he predicted a long macro game but.
You just left Starcraft 1. Terran has changed some in SC2 from SC1. Which Terran style does he like the most?
- SC1 suits him better. In SC1, Terran is a very defensive race. Siege tanks are also not as strong as in StarCraft 1.
11:24 - Three barracks for mvp, two with Tech Labs and one with Reactor. Meanwhile, BanBans expands at his natural. Ooh.
mvp going for a reaper to scout and will probably spot the Nexus. Shbould he succeed with the timing attack, it will be very tough for BanBanswho holds few gateway units. Stim on the way, concussive shells on the way.
"BanBans can not be happy about this!" shouts Artosis.
mvp goes in for the attack, and basically stomps the Protoss. Bad force fields being laid down, which didn't help at all.
Game 2 - IMmvp vs. BanBansZenith @ Metalopolis
11:21 Short distance to each other. mvp at '12 and BanBans at '2. Prediction: Terran goes either Banshee or drop, and Protoss goes Stargate. But who knows.
People in the audience cheering for Protoss with a sign "Protoss on the way". Can agree, we haven't seen many Protoss advance. But BanBans turning this around seems unlikely.
"BanBans is a player who does not value intel," says Tasteless. "The extra minerals can make all-in builds a little quicker, that's one reason he may have done that," adds Artosis.
11:16 - BanBans goes for the offensive, hoping for an early knock-out. Climbing up mvp's ramp, but gets stopped by two bunkers. No chance, and falls back.
Incoming drop from mvp. Three marines and two marauders. At the same time, BanBans goes in for the Terran ramp again but mvp manages to hold it off. Protoss too hurt by the drop, and GGs. 1-0 to mvp!
11:13 Reaper out for mvp, going for some scouting at the Protoss. Other than that, things looking pretty natural. Protoss with some sentries, stalkers and zealots out.
Scratch that natural thing. BanBans lays down a three-gateway robotics bay. We'll probably see Gateway salad with Immortal as spice. With it out, he will go for breaking the rocks inbetween him and his opponent's base.
Game 1 - mvp vs. BanBans @ Scrap Station
11:11 - And the game is off! mvp lands at '2 as red Terran, while BanBans warps in at '12 as teal Protoss.
11:09 - Here are the first players.
11:00 - Welcome back to the coverage of the GOMTV StarCraft 2 Open Round of 64!
The last four games for the Round of 64, and the last of the day are:
mvp vs. Banbans
AnNyeong vs. choya
Destination vs. Check
SlayerSBoxeR vs. NEXON
Of course they put SlayerSBoxeR as last, so they can make sure we watch it all, haha.
I'm getting ready. Are you ready?
09:02: More games to follow at 11:00 CET, and we will of course be live reporting even then, with Raistlin taking over.
09:01 - Thank you all for tuning in! I will be going to DreamHack, picking up some camera equipment at my school and leave right after that, enjoy Raistlin's live report at 11:00 CET!
09:00 - IdrA interview:
IdrA talks really fast, so it's hard to catch everything he says, but this is basically what he said;
The spine crawler push is solid because it's a good counter to warp gate rushes, and the hydra stops any kind of all-ins
Q: How do you feel about the about how the GSL pronouncing your name I-dra instead of E-dra?
I'm OK with it, in my head it's e-dra, but I've kinda given up on that
Q: What is your biggest threat this season?
The maps, there's a lot of luck involved
08:52 - IdrA going for the kill with soo many hydralisks, and Choa is forced to GG. IdrA, the second non-Korean of today moving on to the round of 32.
08:50 - IdrA is containing Choa now, Choa still on stalkers and sentries, and added zealots now. No colossi or higher tech yet.
08:48 - Choa is still relying on stalkers and sentries, IdrA is using overlords for creep in the middle, sending the spine crawlers helping him push out along with hydralisks.
08:47 - IdrA is making a lot of spine crawlers now. A hallucinated phoenix is flying around gaining some intelligence of what's going on in the Zerg base.
08:45 - Two sentries are being made now, and Choa is not moving out, and is probably going to expand. IdrA sends some zerglings to see what's going on, and his expansion is up and running, while Choa just put down his Nexus.
08:44 - The Protoss is getting a second gas, while IdrA is now expanding. IdrA knows exactly what's going on in the protoss base. Two gates are chrono boosted, two stalkers being made.
IdrA soon has zergling speed, and will be prepared for what's coming at him.
08:41 - Second game is live, it's on Steppes of War with IdrA in the top right as the red Zerg, Choa in the bottom left as the blue Protoss.
08:39 - A very nice attack from IdrA settled the deal, and showed a nice counter to the early expansion/cannon pressure build from Choa. 1-0 for Greg Fields.
08:38 - IdrA is inside the base of Choa now after the nice sniping, and Choa is in trouble.
08:36 - The answer is roaches. IdrA is making roaches now while Choa is making an expansion. In fact the pylons weren't blocking the ramp, and he sent a probe in to IdrA's base, discovering the roaches.
IdrA cleans up the pylons and the cannon and is starting his hatchery, but it's so late compared to Choa's expansion which is already up and running.
Roaches on the move, sniping some cannons being made from below, and might as well get the gateway.
08:35 - Choa is making a forge first, and is blocking the ramp of IdrA with two pylons. IdrA did make a pool first.
A cannon is going up behind the pylons, IdrA knows about it though, the overlord was right on spot. What's IdrA's counter to this?
08:33 - The first game is starting on Shakuras Plateau, IdrA the red Zerg in the top left corner, and Choa, the blue Protoss bottom right.
08:29 - The second foreigner and the fifth zerg of today is IdrA, who will play against NEXChoa in a ZvP.
Maps: Shakuras Plateau, Steppes of War, Jungle Basin.
Steppes of War and Jungle Basin, these maps are hell on earth for ZvP
” - Artosis
08:27 - Moon interview:
Q: Why did you pick Zerg as your race in StarCraft 2, and how does it relate to Night Elf in WarCraft 3?
In WC3, when you play Night Elf you have a lot of freedom in choosing strategy which relates to Zerg in StarCraft 2, I started out as Zerg in the beta, but switched to Terran, then back to Zerg
Q: What has been the most challenging aspect of switching to StarCraft 2, is it the different economy aspect, or something else?
I admit managing the resources is the hardest, it took me quite a while to understand the concept
08:19 - Terran is now pushing out, while Moon just walks by the terran army and counter attacks, the terran forces try to help out, but banelings, roaches and mutas cleans it up, this is going to be a win for Moon, and the first victory for Zerg today.
08:17 - Roaches, banelings and mutas make up the swarm army of Moon, Terran has now put down his third base, settled on marines, marauders and medivacs.
Moon is now taking a fifth base as well with 170 supply, and ButterFlyEffect with only 114.
08:16 - Terran again moving out, and Moon holds it off easier this time. Moon has expanded to a fourth base now, and is getting a big lead in this game.
08:14 - Burrowed roaches spotted the giant terran army, tries to take out a few tanks, but this terran timing push might be the killer move, banelings not doing a lot of damage, but the mutalisks are free to kill everything as there are no marines left.
08:13 - Nice harassing with the medivac full of marines. Mutalisks are soon out, so he will have to back up, but instead is sending in a new medivac, dropping them by the nydus worm on the cliff, now mutalisks attacking the medivac full of marines, only gets to unload one marine before it falls.
Terran drops by the golden expansion which has finished now, but that gets cleaned up by the mutas as well.
08:11 - The Nydus has finished on the cliff where the Tank was, roaches killing it quickly, and that's how you deal with a tank drop on Delta Quadrant.
Moon is now taking down the rocks at the golden expansion, looking to taking his third base there. ButterflyEffect tries to drop in the natural expansion, but roaches are there quickly, loads them up and drops them by two overlords and kills those instead.
08:09 - Terran is now moving out with a medivac with a siege tank and some marines, dropping the tank on the cliff sieging up, but Moon has spine crawlers there, delaying the real damage from the drop. Moon is making a nydus now.
08:07 - Marines are moving out while zerglings counter attacks, marines are in the expansion of Moon now, almost surrounding the marines, and Moon cleans it up, looking good holding off the early pressure.
08:04 - The third and deciding game, on Delta Quadrant, we have Moon in the top right, and Butterfly in the bottom right, close positions, and Moon is making a hatchery first. Very risky as Terran is making a double barracks build.
Until anything happens, a female baneling from the crowd:
08:02 - GG from ButterflyEffect, Moon equalizes, 1-1. Will we have the first Zerg of today advancing, or will another Terran move on by taking out Moon? We'll find out soon in the third game on Delta Quadrant.
08:01 - Moon sneaking in burrowed roaches, not doing much though, and the Terran is moving to attack Moon, but Moon has too much units, and Terran backs up.
07:59 - The Terran tried to drop marines at the third of Moon, but mutas kill the medivac. Moon's army is so huge right now, tons of banelings, roaches and mutalisks, and has got a total map control.
Terran is moving out, four tanks, marines and marauders. Moon is counter attacking, this might as well be the final blow.
Terran moves into the third base of Moon, and it will go down, but so will the terran expansion while Moon is expanding to the top middle and the golden expansion.
07:57 - Terran moving out, but the banelings revealed by his scan changed his mind. The third base is up and running for Moon as well as a spire.
07:55 - Good job from Moon who is now keeping his zerglings at the natural of ButterFlyEffect, preventing him from landing the command center again.
At the same time, Moon is destroying the rocks at the golden, as well as making a hatchery by the right side expansion. Moon in a lead now.
Terran has loaded up two medivacs, but they are spotted by a well placed overlord outside the terran base, and ButterFlyEffect backs up, decides not to drop.
07:52 - Reapers sniping some drones before they die. The orbital at the expansion has finished for ButterFlyEffect.
Moon has started attacking the rocks blocking the golden expansion, but is now checking out the Terran base with the zerglings to find a factory and bunkers at the expansion.
A lot of zerglings morphing into banelings, looking to bust the Terran's expansion. Terran is walling up with a starport as well now at the expansion.
Moon manages to bust the wall of Terran, and some zerglings are still alive.
07:50 - ButterFly is making a reaper from his barracks, while Zerg is expanding. Could we something similar to what we saw from Polt?
Reaper moving out now, and a bunker is being made outside the expansion, the SCV is still alive, but it gets cleaned up from Moon.
A command center has finished for the Terran.
07:48 - The second game is on Xel'Naga Caverns, we have ButterFlyEffect in the top right corner, and Moon in the bottom left.
07:44 - Moon GG's, Butterfly is up 1-0 after that timing attack.
"What did I do wrong?"
07:42 - Marines with stim are moving out now, zerglings trying to surround the marines, and all the lings die, Moon is taking a lot of damage from this, and ButterFlyEffect is getting way ahead of Moon.
07:41 - Moon is getting a spire for mutalisks, and is upgrading the carapace armor for his ground units.
Later making a third base now as well, and the mutalisks that have spawned takes out the banshee before it gets to the third base of Moon.
07:39 - The banshee is engaging, doing some harassment but two queens are out, as well as a spore crawler by both his bases.
Three barracks and a command center is being made now for ButterflyEffect.
07:38 - The hatchery is about to finish, and a hellion is entering the main of Moon. Zergling chasing it, and the hellion doesn't do nothing but gaining intelligence about Moon's build.
07:36 - The Terran got his gas very early. Moon of course making a pool first due to the bay blocking the expansion. Now zerglings are attacking the unfinished bay, which will be canceled soon.
Zergling speed is being upgraded and the hatchery is going down on the expansion.
A hellion is being made from the Terran, and is making a starport for banshees.
07:34 - The first game has started on Shakuras Plateau, we have Moon, the red Zerg in the top left corner, and ButterFlyEffect in the top right as the blue Terran.
A very early SCV is moving out, will try to block the potential hatchery, and puts down an engineering bay at the expansion of Moon.
07:31 - It's another TvZ, Moon being the Zerg, and ButterflyEffect being the Terran.
Maps: Shakuras Plateau, Xel'Naga Caverns, Delta Quadrant
07:29 - Jinro was the third non-Korean, and the third Terran today moving on to the round of 32.
Coming up is Moon, the famous WarCraft 3 pro-gamer!
07:27 - Jinro interview:
(hard keeping up with the transcription when the interview isn't translated, but this is basically what was said)
Q: How do you feel?
I feel relieved
Q: You lost the second game, but came back with a perfect timing attack in the third
The reason I pushed out so late in the third game was because his combination was not good for late game. If the zerg is forced to expand a third on jungle
The main practice partners I've had have been Ret, Zenio, HayprO, Luffy, and Ret has given me a lot of good advice before the game
07:19 - Jinro continues to move out, overwhelming the Zerg, and GG from NEXDrug, Jinro being the third non-Korean in the round of 32!
07:17 - Both players are making their third now, Zerg is making a hatchery in the middle base expansion, and Jinro making the command center in his main.
Jinro is moving out, sieging up, slowly moving forward, roaches coming in from two sides, but the Terran army is so strong, and Jinro is in a huge lead. 171 units for Jinro, 80 for NEXDrug. This is looking like a win for Jinro.
07:16 - Jinro tries to do something with the marine drop, but pulls it back as there were roaches waiting. Both players still on two bases.
NEXDrug has added hydralisks to his army.
07:15 - Jinro is upgrading the vehicles attack for his tanks, while his banshee is taking out a couple of creep tumors.
Jinro has a medivac full of marines idling on the right side, not moving out yet.
07:14 - The one banshee is flying around the map to get some intel of what's going on. He won't be makiing any more banshees as he has switched the tech lab to the barracks instead of the starport, and is pumping out marines, marauders and tanks with medivacs.
07:10 - Gets one queen, now backing up when the roaches are out.
The expansion is up for Jinro now, a starport has finished making a banshee, and two more barracks are up. Two roaches trying to put on some pressure.
07:09 - Jinro is walling up with a barracks and a factory, Zerg has his expansion up. Nothing out of the ordinary going on.
Four marines moving out now for Jinro. And a hellion is joining them.
07:06 - The third game is on Jungle basin, we have Jinro as the red Terran in the top position, and the Zerg, NEXDrug in the blue at the bottom position.
07:02 - Jinro drops the marines in the Zerg main, but the roaches react quickly and forces jinro to pick up the marines. Jinro is moving out, but is getting sandwiched by all of the roaches. Jinro is in a lot of trouble!
NEXDrug is going for the kill, and we'll have a third game as he keeps on sending more and more roaches, moving into the main. GG from Jinro, 1-1.
07:01 - Drug is now taking the golden expansion, while Jinro is still sitting on two bases making siege tanks, more bio units, medivacs.
Jinro loads up six marines in the medivac, and is moving out across the map. Does not see the gold expansion however.
07:00 - Jinro almost made a big blunder, almost getting surrounded by the swarm, but gets out of it with some nice micro, hiding behind the statue.
06:58 - The Zerg is just massing up roaches, and is making a lair, both players still sitting on two bases.
Jinro is moving out now with his marines and marauders.
06:57 - NEXDrug is making a roach warren, knowing about the expansion. Jinro has a bunker up by the expansion, and is making two more barracks.
06:56 - A lot of zerglings are being made while Jinro is not putting on any pressure yet, and is expanding.
06:54 - This game is already looking bad for the Zerg, Jinro is maknig a double barracks build, while the Zerg again is making the hatchery first, and the positions are quite close for this map.
Rallying marines to the Zerg base now for Jinro, Drug has pulled out drones to hold off the early preassure.
06:53 - The second map is Metalopolis, Jinro the red Terran on the left side position and Drug, the blue Zerg in the top middle position.
06:51 - Jinro is now moving out, what seems to be the final blow of the first game in this series, he has so many units. Burrowed roaches try their best, but there is no hope for the swarm in this game, and this is heading to be the third win for Terran today.
GG from Drug, 1-0 for Jinro.
06:48 - Jinro has taken the natural expansion instead of moving out too soon, being very careful not to lose the advantage.
The zerg has an expansion up now as well on the natural of the bottom right position.
06:46 - The medivacs are flying around looking for spots to harass while Jinro is massing up units.
Burrow and ranged attack upgrade is being researched.
06:45 - The tank is now joining the battle, dropped on the cliff, Drug is in a really bad spot right now, and more reinforcements are on the way for Jinro, the lair in the natural expansion is going down, Jinro will take this first game as he holds off the counter attack from Drug at the same time.
06:44 - A medivac with marines is on the move for some more harassment, drops them in the expansion, picks them up moving to the main, keeping Drug busy while he's getting siege tanks. Roaches prevent the marines from doing much though.
06:42 - Four marines doing a good back and forth micro at the expansion of Zerg, and a hellion arrives as well, queen goes down, and an overlord goes down. Jinro taking an early advantage, good micro from the Swede.
06:40 - Drug is making a hatchery first, which again, is very popular among Koreans even though it holds a decent amount of risks unless it's on Scrap Station.
Factory is going up for Jinro.
06:38 - The first game has started, we have Jinro as the red Terran in the bottom left corner of Delta Quadrant, and NEXDrug in the top right corner as the blue Zerg.
06:32 - The next game is featuring the fourth non-Korean of this tournament, Swedish Terran, Jinro who will be up against NEXDrug for a TvZ.
06:30 - PoltPrime interview:
Q: The use of reapers haven't been used a lot recently, what's your thoughts behind this?
It's hard to expect reapers, and after reapers you can always continue attacking with marines and marauders
Q: Did you feel like you were going to win the second game after your first attack failed?
I thought I was going to lose, but fortunately the banshees did a lot of damage and I was able to turn the tide
06:23 - Terran is again moving out with his marine/tank/medivac army. Banelings and roaches takes out parts of the army, but in fact Polt came out on top getting the advantage from that battle and is now continuing to move in with marines. Constant pressure right now, and it's anyone's game right now, impressive by Polt to get back into this game, and whoa, GG from Joon who is now out of the tournament.
2-0 for Polt!
06:22 - Polt tries a sneaky attack at the gold expansion, but Joon saves it in time before losing the hatchery.
06:20 - The golden expansion has finished for Joon, but no drones are there yet. Joon managed to take out the terran army, leaving only a few marines surviving backing up in a medivac.
06:19 - A bad time to move out for Terran, but he does it anyways. Baneling speed is about to finish and a lot of mutalisks are out, and a lot of banelings are morphing in.
06:18 - Polt lands his command center at the natural expansion now, while Zerg is constantly harassing the main.
06:17 - Joon is in a huge supply lead, and Polt does not have much to counter the mutalisks.
Another banshee harassing in the main, but has lost so many banshees now.
06:15 - Four banshees now arriving at the Zerg main, transfusion saves the queen that was focused, mutalisks backs up from harassing the terran base, two queens down, and he gets a third queen before the mutalisks kill all the banshees.
06:14 - Polt has now broken through, sieging up and moving slowly closer to Joon's base. Zerglings coming in from the side, along with the four queens the Zerg manages to clean it all up.
06:12 - The banshee does some harassment and backs up when the queens arrive. Terran is now moving out with marines, tanks and banshees, taking down the rocks in the middle, making the rush distance shorter.
06:11 - The factory has been moved to the reactor, and the barracks is getting a tech lab while a starport is being made. We could possibly see banshees.
A tank is being made from the factory, while two hellions move out to do some harassment, but almost get trapped by three queens and are now very low on health, won't be able to do much.
Four queens are up now to counter any potential banshee build, and a banshee is about to finish.
06:09 - Standard opening for both players, Joon of course doing a hatchery first build, making it on the count of 15 drones. This is very safe on Scrap Station due to the long rush distance.
Terran is making a reactor to his barracks, and a factory.
06:07 - We have PoltPrime spawning in the lower position of Scrap Station as the red Terran, and NsP_Joon in the upper position as the blue Zerg in the second game.
06:04 - Polt is now moving out with his marine/marauder army, nice micro pulling back marines, and there are no units left to save the hatchery at the natural which will fall to the bioball army of Terran.
Some banelings are chasing the terran army, making the terran back up to see the golden expansion, and GG from the Zerg, 1-0 for PoltPrime.
06:03 - Joon is taking the golden expansion and is morphing in a lot of banelings. Polt in the meanwhile is taking an expansion of his own.
06:02 - Joon lost a queen to the reapers and Polt actually succeeded very well with his reaper build.
06:00 - Polt doing some harassment with his reaper, and another reaper is out, tried to put down a bunker but cancels it. It's been a while since we saw a reaper play, but Polt is actually doing it, thus the latest patch.
05:58 - The Zerg is putting down a hatchery first, which is of course very risky with this short rush distance. It seems like a reaper is going to be made for Terran.
05:57 - The first game has started, we're on Delta Quadrant with vertical positions, Polt as the red Terran in the bottom right, and blue Zerg Joon in the top right.
The overlord is scouting downwards, which will spot the Terran eventually, while a drone is heading the wrong way.
05:50 - The next match will be between PoltPrime and NsP_Joon in a Terran vs Zerg series.
Maps: Delta Quadrant, Scrap Station, Xel'Naga Caverns.
05:48 - aLive fOu interview:
Q: Do you think that anything in particular has made the team fOu do so well in this tournament?
fOu has been practicing together for a long time, even in StarCraft 1 and we have a good manager
Q: Did you place your orbital command further away from the minerals in game one for better mining efficiency?
I had no idea I did that, I was very nervous in the first game, and due to the positional advantage I had I didn't even notice the blunder
05:42 - Team fOu with another player in the round of 32 as Zenio GGs for the second time today, and aLive wins it 2-0.
05:40 - Zenio has a lot of mutalisks, while aLive is focusing on 2-2 upgraded marines. The mutalisks cleans up the natural expansion of aLive. Zenio has made a new hatchery on the left side expansion, but aLive is attacking it, and it looks like he will get it.
Zenio going for another counter attack, but aLive is prepared for it with a lot of marines in his main waiting for it.
05:37 - After a Zenio attack, aLive takes the lead in supply and his now moving out going for the third base of Zenio who counters with zerglings and banelings at the Terran expansion. Terran got a third base up now as well as cleaning up the third for Zerg.
Zenio counters
05:34 - Zenio has burrowed banelings on the center of the map, will aLive move onto the biological zerg version of the spider mines from StarCraft 1?
Zenio is taking a fourth base now, meaning Terran is forced to do something soon.
05:33 - Zenio has taken dow the rocks outside aLive's expansion, while Zenio also took a third base.
05:32 - Mutalisks starting to harass the terran base, but the thor is out and one fire made the mutalisks their business there was over and backed up.
05:30 - aLive drops hellions in the expansion of Zenio, but they do not manage to do any major damage before queens and roaches arrives to chase them back home.
Armory is being made, so we'll see thors as well this game.
05:27 - While getting a roach warren, Zenio lost an overlord to some marines.
Terran is making the blue flames for his hellions.
05:26 - The second game is on Jungle Basin, Zenio at the top position as the blue Zerg, aLive in the bottom position as the red Terran.
05:22 - aLive wins the first game, GG. 1-0 for the Terran against Zenio.
05:21 - The baneling drop did tons of damage in the expansion mineral line for Terran, in the meantime some nice micro action from marines and medivac in the middle.
Another baneling drop while Terran is moving out, lots of marines supported with siege tanks.
05:18 - aLive is doing some serious damage in Zenio's base with marines and medivac, killing off overlords, but banelings take care of the main part of that group, and it all gets cleaned up soon afterwards.
Zerg is preparing a baneling drop.
05:15 - is totally failing on me. A viking is out for the Terran, while the lair is finishing for the Zerg.
05:09 - First match has started, it's between oGsZenio and aLivefOu on Lost Temple. Zenio spawning at the bottom middle position as the blue Zerg, and w have aLive on the right-side position as the red Terran.
05:04 - The stream should be live now, but for some reason the site loads really slow for me, and the go live button is still yet to be green... weird, hopefully it is solved soon.
04:45 - Good morning GosuGamers!
A very exciting final day of the round of 64. We have Jinro, IdrA, former WarCraft 3 pro-gamer, Moon (as Liberty), and Check! I am so excited for today's games.
I will however miss the second round today (the one starting at 11:00 CET), because I will be heading for Jönköping here in Sweden, and give you guys some great coverage from DreamHack!
GSL Season 3 - Round of 64 Day 4
November 25th, 05:00 CET
Player 1 | Bo3 | Player 2
aLivefOu | 2-0 | oGsZenio
| PoltPrime | 2-0 | NsP_Joon
| LiquidJinro | 2-1 | NEXDrug
| FOXMoon | 2-1 | ButterflyEffect
| EGIdrA | 2-0 | NEXChoa
| November 25th, 11:00 CET
| Player 1 | Bo3 | Player 2
IMMVP | 2-0 | BanbanssuZenith
| AnnyungPrime | 0-2 | ChoyafOu
Destination | 0-2 | CheckPrime
SlayerS_BoxeR | 2-0 | NEXOn | | | | |
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