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General19 years ago

Here, At The End of All Things


After the smoke has cleared at the WGTour Team Cup, Europe Team MicroGamerz has emerged unscathed, eliminating United States Team RSGaming and claiming their victory over all teams who competed in WGTour.


t the beginning of WGTour's World Team Cup, 128 Teams entered into the fray, ensuring that the tournament would be exciting and lengthy, which for any BW fan is a winning combination. Throughout the tournament there were many exciting matches, but many speculated that United StatesTeam RSGaming vs. EuropeTeam MgZ would be the most intense competition of the tournament.


owever, MgZ was not interested in pleasing the community and even with the close betting and speculation, (over 5000 minerals were placed on each team to win), MgZ took the match 4-1:

WGTour Team Cup: Final Round Europe MgZ vs. United States RSGaming

Poland Gohan vs. South Korea Crazy 1-2
Hungary Kashuvs. United States LzGamer 2-0
Poland Mazurvs. United States Vanilla 2-0
Croatia Ptak vs. United States AsS 2-1
Sweden Sonic & Poland Mazur vs. United States Vanilla & United States LzGamer 2-0


gZ's impressive win 4:1 over skilled clan RSGaming is not their first accomplishment however, as they have been gaming since they were founded in 2001 by Kaiser. They have won many tournaments including the France League known as CFBW, and have sent players to WCG. They have also recently placed 7th in the SCCL after stepping up boldly to replace a missing team.


lso interesting about their tournament life in WGTour Team Cup was the fact that every member of their team maintained a positive Win : Loss ratio in the 1:1 matches, save only SwedenSonic. It is fitting however that Sweden Sonic's 1:2 ratio in the individual matches is clearly dwarfed by his key performances in the 2on2 games, with Poland Mazur and he going 2:1 overall.

Overall, Europe Team MicroGamerz has proved their ability to work together efficiently to get the results they want, and I believe will continue to do so for a long time.

WGTour - Wrap-up
Team MgZ - Team Site
Team RSGaming - Team Site