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General19 years ago

F2F: G5 vs. PredY @ Tue 20:00


On Tuesday, GosuGamers Face 2 Face features two players, the American uT)G5 and the Czech CDS)PredY. GosuGamers grabbed hold of the two and talked to them - Face 2 Face!


Yet another Face 2 Face match here at GosuGamers, which will be shoutcasted and hopefully also video casted. The format is the usual, a best of five showgame with five chosen maps. And of course, two players who would like to show their best in this showgame. On the one side we have Czech Republic CDS)PredY, playing in the national team for his country. The other player is United States uT)G5.

Up&Co players both - PredY won last match

Both players actually took part in our ยป Up and Coming Tournament, where the two players actually faced eachother. That match ended 2-0 in favour for PredY, a game where PredY thinks he won because of better macro.
- My Terran vs. Protoss was really bad last time so it will be really, really hard, he says about the upcoming rematch. G5 thinks that the first game they played in the Up&Co tour was a real stomp down, and the second game was pretty close.
- He is a strong player and I have respect for his game, says G5, admitting that PredY played better than him in that game.

Date and time: May 2, 20:00 CET
Format: Best of five
Coverage: Radio/video

Preparations before the match

As this match is some kind of revenge match, you would've maybe expected G5 to practice hard for this match, however that is not the case.
- I wish I could say that I have been training more in preparation for this but I have been busy with some College things and various other things in my life, he says, but says that he will do his best and and be in shape and give it all.
- I don't think the skill gap is that big between us, he further adds.
And for PredY? He says that he has not practiced especially for this brawl, but since he has lots of clanwars, leagues and such he basically plays every day.

PredY picked Estrella, G5 chose Charity

As before, the Face 2 Face map format is that the administrator picks out three maps, and then each player picks one map, making it to a total five. PredY chose the map Estrella, while G5 chose Charity.
- I enjoy Island map games alot but I have never seen him on them so I don't know how much of a favor it will be for either of us, G5 explains. He said that he chose Charity to make things interesting. PredY's reply to that was:
- I wonder what can I expect on Charity, he says with a slight grin.

Both players seem to have lots of respect towards eachother, and as an ending, let us give you their messages to eachother.

G5: I will be voting for you on GosuBet so either way I come out a winner (gg no re?) ^^ gl~
PredY: Play your best and be manner as always.