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General20 years ago

Project Revolution


When Project Revolution came out I thought it was going to be one of those start up Mods that never get finished despite good initial intentions. Not this case. Project Revolution is moving ahead and they just released their first ingame screenshot.

What is Project Revolution?
Project Revolution is a mod that will convert Warcraft III into Starcraft: Brood War without violating any intellectual property laws.
Battlecruiser.gifThese guys are trying to make Starcraft out of the Warcraft 3 Engine. Why you may ask? What is the point? It does not really matter. As far as they are concerned they are learning and having a lot of fun MOD making. A consequence of such efforts is that a lot of very good MOD makers are congregating on this project. So far their team consists of 21 MOD makers. Among them 3D Artists, Texture Artists, Animators, MDL Editor, JASS Scripter for Spells, Assorted coders. They have joined to work together from all over the world; » Project Revolution Team.I heard you guys merged with a Russian team that had already started making the terrain and GUI, is this true?

Yes. They are a welcome addition to the team. You can thank them for the excellent GUI and terrain.
Another consequence is that they have created their own World Editor that they will release when they release their MOD. They also will be able to convert SC maps into W3 maps. Even if the finished product is not our "thing" we can still appreciate their work and the 3D Starcraft units. Truly amazing work from this team, lead by United States Skizot.

First ingame screenshot keeping the game real

My final point? You all know I almost always have one.

Blizzard: keep making W3 expansions, we will just MOD them back into Starcraft :)


All images shown created by Project Revolution. ©1998, 2002, 2003 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved. StarCraft, Brood War, Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Tip by Sweden sajhe who has been keeping an eye on the Project for the SG crew.

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