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General16 years ago

Starcraft in the Guinness book of World Records

There are two sides to Starcraft. One represents that it's a one of a kind game-play experience with perfect balance, the other is a huge number of copies sold over its 10 year run.

Recently, Blizzard Entertainment accepted the records for World of Warcraft for the Most Popular MMORPG with a total of 11.6 million subscribers and Starcraft for being the Best Selling Strategy Game for a PC, selling 9.5 million copies worldwide.

To quote Tasteless: "That's pretty damn impressive". Impressive it is, for any PC game, let alone a 10 year old strategy game. So thumbs up for Blizzard, let's hope it will hit the 10 million mark and be forever written in gaming history books, if it hasn't been already.

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