All News


21 years ago

Nordic WCG 2004

How is it possible...?infernologo.gifMost of you have previously been informed that the Nordic countries would only have preliminaries in Warcraft III and Counter-Strike, due to lack of sponsor attention for other games. As soon as GosuGamers found out about this, we focused and struggled hard to gather sponsors and the organization to host a preliminary in these nordic countries. We see it as our duty to make sure that the World Cyber Games should be a fair tournament and that everyone should have their chance to participate! However, due to lack of interest in the preliminaries from Denmark Denmark and Iceland Iceland, we are unable to host a preliminary for those countries.

Most of this was made possible thanks to the Gaming Café Inferno Online Stockholm which will be the main host of the qualifiers and the location of the event. Inferno Online will also pay the flight expenses for the players, 5000 SEK each for the players' trips to San Francisco, USA.

Where is it?Inferno Online is Internet Café in the middle of Stockholm, Odengatan 60. It has 100 computers at the moment and will probably expand to an additional 100 before this event will take place. Inferno Online has a café where you can get sodas, cofée, the, muffins, pies and much more. Every computer has it's own Sennheiser headphones, a Q-PAD mousepad, and Microsoft Intellimouses, 3.0.

If you are not satisfied with the equipment above - bring your own! We're working to solve the hotkey issue but other than that you can bring your own stuff. For a map and instructions to get to Inferno Online, see their » Official homepage.
Support the preliminaries!people.jpgFor us to continue with events of this size we ask as many as possible to participate. This event is of course based on the interest in the community and the more fans and players, the better!

More than just a preliminary tournamenttour.gifEach nation will have their own national preliminaries in a separate tournament. The winner of each of these tournaments will have their ticket to WCG. These three winners will also be invited to the Best of the best-tournament with chances to win additional prizes.

There will be a lot of other tournaments for the players losing early in the tournament. Therefore you don't have to have a chance to win the WCG tournaments if you want to play; Your 100 SEK will get you much more!

Examples of other tournaments are:
2on2 warmup tournament where you will be randomly put together with an ally.
Team Micro Arena 3on3 tournament.
The tournament for the rest - 1on1 tournament which starts when 50% or more are out of the main WCG tournament.

Finals - a spectator eventpokal.gifOur aim is to make the finals a big spectator happening just like any other sports event. We will have several bigscreens for you to watch the players in first person mode, as well as an observer mode. We will also to this add commentators to make the match even more exciting!

Of course we will have the prize ceremony and the finals held in the end of the event and tell everyone to quit playing themselves and start watching.

Notice that the goblet to the right will not be given out, unfortunately, but we are working on other ones to give the winners.

RegistrationTo register and participate in the World Cyber Games prelimiaries in Starcraft: Brood War in either Norway, Finland or Sweden, follow these simple steps.

Prices are the following:

0:- to follow the event at Inferno Online, by watching the monitors and/or first person from the players' computers.

100:- Swedish Kronor (SEK) to participate. This will give you a computer from 14.00 until midnight, 00.00. The tournament will start 17.00.

200:- Swedish Kronor (SEK) to participate in the WCG preliminaries and the night gib afterwards. If you payed for the night gib, you will get access to a computer for an additional 9 hours, from midnight until 09.00 in the morning. This is a good alternative if you have nowhere to sleep - and the Crew will stay with and host which ever tournaments the people who remain wish us to.

  • 1. Send an e-mail to [old] with the following topic: "Participation WCG Sweden", where Sweden of course should be replaced with the country you wish to qualify for.

    2. In the email, include the following information about yourself:

  • Full name.
  • Phone number (include cellphone if you have one).
  • Age.
  • Offline address.
  • Your race (Terran, Protoss, Zerg or Random).
  • Your Starcraft-nickname (preferrably your GosuGamers membership name).
  • Which price you will pay (100 for the tournament or 200 for the tournament and the night gib).

    3. The entrance fee to the Nordic World Cyber Games 2004 preliminaries will be payed at Inferno Online the day the whole event will take place.

We are looking forward to the biggest event in Nordic Starcraft Gaming this summer. If you have any comments about the prizes, looking for anyone to travel with, need help finding somewhere to sleep or have any questions, please feel free to post it below. This is for you, gamers. See you 31st of July!
Signed up players
Signed upGib?
Finland ToT)Ovvi(
Finland LomaxsonYes
Finland ClawsonYes
Finland DSky.aqrashYes
Finland DSky.MuhweliYes
Finland DSky.ContraYes
Finland DSky.nApoLeonYes
Finland jaariYes
Finland sW-SnoW-Yes
Finland N0ObForEvErYes
Finland aku_WankkaYes
Finland DrAcUlAYes
Finland uT)MurrayYes
Finland PiemanYes
Finland kibbOnYes
Finland cAndYfLiPYes
Norway Eriador[pG]Yes
Norway iG.AlexYes
Norway hasunicoYes
Norway iG.FuryYes
Norway iD.RapideYes
Norway CobanNo
Norway IrOnAsSYes
Norway [iNF]JonasYes
Norway MoRten[SpG]Yes
Norway d3r_st0lNo
Norway TurbonIsSexyYes
Norway NussenYes
Norway SoL.NortsNo
Norway RaX_NTYes
Norway =GrimReefer=Yes
Norway :+:StinGeR:+:Yes
Norway oO(rS.nasQ)Yes
Norway HumbleGarYes
Norway NW_PunisherYes
Norway eXoscheleton Yes
Norway Hasu_Cloud(TE)Yes
Norway zIGGy(TE)Yes
Norway NW_SandManYes
Norway ExanimoYes
Norway RadAirNo
Norway KloroIsSexyYes
Norway =[aBs]=SlayerYes
Norway ultronNo
Norway IlvyYes
Norway ErlinGYes
Norway RiChYYes
Norway wAnk.RelicYes
Sweden No.SkillzAt-AllYes
Sweden dBoyYes
Sweden ObbYes
Sweden Saber[BoSS]Yes
Sweden OutremerYes
Sweden PriPPsYes
Sweden VildaMalinYes
Sweden ZergFlickanYes
Sweden AcidRealityYes
Sweden FarahgrimYes
Sweden DiedneYes
Sweden BW-DestinyYes
Sweden HelmetWithSpinYes
Sweden gurkYes
Sweden DaamanYes

Signed upGib?
Sweden NightshadeYes
Sweden SW)TreK[cF]Yes
Sweden Gs-GuMMiYes
Sweden ElajteNNo
Sweden ZeuSYes
Sweden -Ba`alzamon-Yes
Sweden Phobos[KB]Yes
Sweden WhiZYes
Sweden DaZeYes
Sweden ikon-Yes
Sweden HeavensBackdoorYes
Sweden dmosYes
Sweden Svenska-provNo
Sweden MontyYes
Sweden UltrarapidNo
Sweden Lord_Of_ChaosYes
Sweden meRzYes
Sweden ZpuXYes
Sweden uT)iNfeSteD[KB]Yes
Sweden uT)DeWaDoOr[KB]Yes
Sweden Eldor[KB]Yes
Sweden GoS-Chaso(TE)Yes
Sweden KaaZ(TE)No
Sweden Seriously(TE)Yes
Sweden NewHABITYes
Sweden KeNKaNo
Sweden JollYRoGeRYes
Sweden FrozenArbiterYes
Sweden dAtObYYes
Sweden ErOs_SPCNo
Sweden hayproYes
Sweden empolenzYes
Sweden JanG498Yes
Sweden FoxYes
Sweden Engelska-provNo
Sweden GoS-GisloYes
Sweden iD.LovEYes
Sweden SunSaoYes
Sweden AphXYes
Sweden ZubieYes
Sweden CataYes
Sweden (sE)MireilleYes
Sweden kOs)SpaceYes
Sweden IntothebunkerYes
Sweden releadNo
Sweden mallmowzYes
Sweden ezulaYes
Sweden ExHalE[drR]Yes
Sweden BladLuSYes
Sweden UnCha Yes
Sweden PoxicatorYes
Sweden waNk.HydraYes
Sweden muse_syndr0meYes
Sweden sSbYes
Sweden 20krYes
Sweden BW-HadeS-GoSYes
Sweden Tot[gS]Yes
Sweden AniMeYes
Sweden NrT.SepterranYes
Sweden MaDDa-PLYes
Sweden nS-g.TuFFeRYes
Sweden PassionateYes
Sweden MidikemYes

Detailed information e-mailThere was an email sent with detailed information to every participating player, including rules, times, night gib and replays info, etc etc. If you didnt get it, you can

catch the information e-mail here

We only forgot to mention two things, in this email, though...

GosuGamers encourages everyone to have a good sleep before travelling home again. The night gib is mainly for the ones travelling home by either plane, train or bus. If you are going to drive your way home, make sure to check in at a hotel during the day or perhaps stay at some friend's place and have some sleep.

The maps will be looped in the following order for the group play:
Martian Cross
Dahlia of Jungle
Gorky Island
Korhal of Ceres

In the playoffs, it's the same loop starting with the first map in the first round of the playoffs, second map in the second round etc. Since it's best out of three, the loser will pick the second and third map.