According to Laura "LuLu" Baker, Tralfamadore will be joining the well known Diamond Division team, One Trick Pony. One Trick Pony is currently in the winner bracket finals and will playing against Trademark eSports in the near future.
Yesterday on the Honcast stream, Tralfamadore stated that the two big reason for his departure from Honcast and S2 Games were that his girlfriend Lisa has acquired a new job and ever since DreamHack Winter he wanted to start playing competitive Heroes of Newerth again.
One Trick Pony's Roster:
Samuel "Znoowy" Sibelius
Sanel "ArchiTiger" Talic
Although Honcast will move on from this, I of course will most certainly miss Tralf. I am very excited once again to see him on the competitive scene and look forward to calling out all of his mistakes
As for myself, my girlfriend and I are moving to the neighbors to the North in Vancouver, B.C. where I may look to pursue my competitive gaming career once again. That being said, I'd like to announce that I will be joining One Trick Pony for Hon Tour, and looking at their recent successes I am very excited to continue supporting HoN by playing with this very talented group of guys. I'd like to give a big shout out to all my fans - your support and love for Honcast and Heroes of Newerth is what fuels me, and to everyone at S2, especially Nick, Matt, Nate and Aaron (thanks for ruining 60% of my tmm games, Mr. Solstice) and a huge shout out to Lisa.
Hontour - One Trick Pony team page
Hon Forums - Announcement