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General13 years ago

HyHy: "You have to worry about and look out for Na`Vi"

Benedict "HyHy" Lim Han Yong is featured in the first video in the 'Road to the International' series done by Razer. We find out that the sense of satisfaction to win something with his team members and friends is what has driven him to keep playing at such a high level.

We also find out what he thinks of the Chinese players and why they are so much better than the rest.

- "The Chinese players can be that good because to them it's a career, they actually get paid. They do it on a daily basis, a very professional method. And they get the support they need to actually bring it on the professional level, just playing as a team every single day," he says and adds they have an edge over other players in the sense they have a lot more time playing the game.

Bashes mTw: "They are not able to win a big event twice"
He also talks about mTw and how they are probably not able to win a big event twice, because he feels they pick and ban the same heroes all over and that their win at DreamHack was just because they were underdogs and they were not given enough attention they actually should have.

He also mentions the issue of teams having a coach sitting behind the players to see how the game is progessing.
- "It's actually very unfair because it would be like six versus five where someone's watching everything who is not in intense situations so that he can actaully watch what's going on and know what's really happening. It's really unfair when teams do that."

Before The International 2011: "We only had beta keys one week before"
He also comments on his team's third place at last year's The International.

- "We only had beta keys one week before we flew to Germany so whereas the other teams got their beta keys two-three weeks in advance, so I felt that if every team were given the same amount of time to practice the game, I feel like my team could actually have done better."

HyHy thinks that his team has the possibility to win it this year, but that every other team has just as good a chance.

- "I would say my team has the possibility to win. In fact, I would say that every other team also has an equal chance to win the event because Dota 2 right now is so unsaturated - it's so hard to determine what's the best play style and best hero picks."

But he still raises a warning's finger for the Na`Vi quintet, due to their flexibility.

- "The team you have too worry about and look out for is definitely Na`vi because they are so flexible and they are able to play so many different kinds play styles and heroes so it will be difficult thinking about what to ban against them," says HyHy.