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General13 years ago

IEM: No zergs left as Zenio falls to MMA



The Kiev champion MMA continues to be undefeated during his run through IEM World Championship here in Hanover. The Slayers terran ploughed through Liquid`Zenio 3-0, displaying incredible speed and multitasking.

On Antiga Shipyard, MMA did a banshee/hellion opening which was nicely defended by Zenio's queens. The zerg used banelings, infestors and mutas to keep the terran ball away until brood lord tech kicked in. Knowing that the zerg army must now stay together, though, MMA split his units to hit three bases at once, turning Zenio's economy to ashes. Eventually, it came down to an actual direct engagement in front of MMA's natural choke and the thor/marine/tank composition of the terran established superiority and took the lead.

In game two on Cloud Kingdom, Zenio attempted multiple assaults directly onto MMA's economy but the terran seemed to be more or less unaffected by them. MMA continued to build his three base army and once again kept being everywhere at once, leading in to a 2-0 score.

Third game was very similar in terms of outcome. MMA did a marine/medic pressure to Zenio's fourth but the fungals from his enemy's side waned him down. Still, even with a base ahead, Zenio saw trouble keeping up to MMA's supply and soon his unfavourable position would worsen tenfold as MMA was relentless in simultaneously attacking with multiple marine squads. Zenio's response consisted of him trying to expand all over the place to slow down his death but he could only do so much. MMA prevailed 3-0 and advanced to the semi-finals to face Puma.