Today's Dota 2 patch has added Bane, the Dota 2 port of Atropos, the Bane Elemental. More significantly, the long-awaited Test Mode is finally upon us.
Test Mode, available with the patch to all players through their Steam library, will act as a beta-within-a-beta, allowing players to test out new heroes and gameplay improvements before they're ported to the main build. This feature, as well as the Tournament game mode, should allow Valve to continue adding features and making changes to the game without upsetting the burgeoning competitive scene.
A new hero has been added as well. Though the Bane Elemental has been out of the Dota 1 metagame for ages, it has another opportunity to shine as Dota 2's Bane. This hero should be available within Test. In other hero news, the Outworld Destroyer is now available in Captain's Mode.
Additionally, Valve has added cooperative matchmaking games against bots and made various improvements to the UI, including autoselection of summoned units and increases to the maximum size of chat channels. Read a full list of changes here.
Steam - Patch notes