From solo middle to carry and now seen intermittently playing the semi-carry, YYF has occupied a diversity of roles while raising the bar time and time again whenever he does. Now, as his team prepares for HFGL, ECL and G-1 at the same time, YYF reserved some time for a couple of short questions regarding his team's current state and more.
Hi YYF, give your fans a short greeting.
-"Hello guys, I'm iG.Y's YYF."
After joining iG.Y, you were instated as the team's main carry. Have you gotten used to the new role? In your opinion, what's so special about playing the carry?
-"Yes, I'm rather familiar with it now. You need a lot of focus and concentration overall to play the carry. Striking when the iron is hot in a team fight is also the mark of a good carry player. But, due to some recent developments within the team, I might be reverting to semi-carry again."
Which role do you prefer, carry or ganker?
In the past, you were one of the top players of 3C (Chinese game). How has that experience aided your professional career in DotA?
-"Well, it didn't help my DotA career too much - the two games are completely different. However, I guess that since they both emphasize team work, in a way it has helped me to integrate and work with teams more easily."
Has being under the same organization with a team as strong as iG.Z given you any pressure? Do you guys share strategies during training?
-"No, there's hardly any pressure and yes, we do trade tactics."
You will meet iG.Z in the winner's bracket semi-finals of HFGL next. What do you think are your odds of winning?
-"Around 50% as our current form is quite average."
How long do you train a day? What do you do during trainings?
-"Well, I train for around eight hours a day, and during trainings we mainly watch replays and play clan wars."
Apart from Pandaren Brewmaster, Dragon Knight and other heroes which have sprung up in the competitive scene, has your team been able to use these heroes effectively? Are there more?
-"Of course we have played around with them, and I guess our results were more or less okay."
During competitions, how do you guys decide things like who's playing which hero, bans and picks and laning?
-"We'll play whatever hero or role we can play best, and with regards to bans and picks as well as laning, it pretty much depends on what our opponent's lineup will be. Of course, we would have done some background research into countering specific opponents too."
In previous matches, your support player 830 was spotted playing a semi-carry Broodmother. What were the thoughts and preparations that ran along and led to this decision?
-"Our team only has two players who can play Broodmother well, and that is Chuan and 830. Since Chuan was playing solo mid, we decided to give Broodmother to 830.
Who do you think are China's top carry, ganker and support players at the moment?
-"I believe there are no top players in DotA, only top teams. DotA functions as a team game."
What are your goals for HFGL? Are there any teams you are looking forward to meet or beat?
-"Currently, our eyes are on the championship, With regards to teams - well, we want to beat every one of them."
What are your thoughts on HFGL's prize distribution and tournament structure?
-"The format of the tournament is relatively new and fresh and I guess that's good in a way."
Do you have any words for your fans and those of iG.Y's?
-"Thanks to all the friends who have supported me, and I promise we'll work our best to reciprocate your faith in us!"
*YYF's next match will be against DK tomorrow, October 19, at 15:30 CET. Place your Gosubets here. Their next HFGL match will be against iG.Z on the 29th of October.
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