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General14 years ago

"Without Cassandra I would have quit long ago" - Grubby

Grubby. Photo by:
Manuel "Grubby" Schenkhuizen. A household name. The former "King of Orcs", now attempting to claim the throne of the Protoss in StarCraft 2, has loyal fans watching his stream - so much that in the first seven days he reached half a million views. This is revealed in a new front page featured article on

Manuel has had more than 1.2 million views on his streaming channel, counting his first three months of livestreaming his practice and ladder games.

- "With so many fans supporting me, I feel like I'll never walk alone," says Grubby.

Cassandra and Grubby. Photo by:
Behind every man there is a great woman
Fan support or not, Grubby says that WarCraft is in essence a lonely game. Fans can therefore have his wife Cassandra "PpG" Ng to thank for the Dutchman's long career.

- "Not being alone when I travel is a huge reason to why I’m still here," says Grubby. "It’s a blessing that she plays and understands the game, because it allows me to discuss my strategies with her."

Being a one-man team
After many successful years playing for organizations as 4Kings, MeetYourMakers and Evil Geniuses, Grubby is today a one-man team. This puts Grubby in a position where he needs to take care of most of the managerial tasks on his own. But that is not something he feel should change much.

- "After 8 years in eSports I've garnered a lot of experience about how to manage myself and my professional and business affairs. And of course, I have help with this from my wifey," says Manuel and smiles.