After a two week long ladder stage, a round of fifty-six with several brackets and weeks of games, the round of thirty-two appeared and week by week half the players were eliminated. This all came to an end in the final clash this Saturday, between non others than the Hungarian 'Sniperzerg' sas.Ace and the US-American Terran player Scan.
The series had some exciting games in it and showed alot of skill from the players, but only one of them could take the five wins over the other to take home the first place and the money coming with it.
Scan was the player who managed to do this, letting Ace only take two games off of him, ending the series with a total score of five to two, needing only seven of the nine games to be determined as the champion.
Coming first definetely had its advantages here when looking at the prize pool which had a total of $1000, half of it being set for the first place and a quarter of it for the second. Another 150 dollars were reserved for the third rank and the restly one hundred for the fourth.
In the best of five series for the third place, which ended in a tight three to two with alot of bad manner from both players, the Russian Terran FR.Heme managed to defeat the Mexican Zerg player DeSka, who failed a sunken rush on Colosseum II and two proxy hatcheries outside Heme's base in the final game and was then easily dominated by the economy advantage Heme gained while defending DeSka's attempts to cheese him and not being able to build up enough economy and production facilities on his own.
This lef the top four consisting of Scan, Ace, Heme and DeSka, the four players who managed to overcome their competetors and take the top of the bracket, securing all of them some nice money they earned by playing the game they love.
If you have missed the live cast yourself for whatever reason you can still relive it by watching the VOD's of Sayle's and diggity's cast.

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