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14 years ago

Guild Chat added to WoW Mobile Armory App

guildchat-screen-01-245.jpgStaying in touch with your guildmates when not on your computer is now possible with an update to the World of WarCraft Mobile Armory app.

The chat feature is built in with the World of WarCraft Mobile Armory app, and allows you participate in the guild's in-game chat channel, talk one-on-one with members of your guild and also view the list of online guild members.

The feature will be free of charge for a limited time, but will later go under the World of Warcraft Remote subscription.

Although the list of realms eligible will increase with time, the Remote Guild Chat is only available on Fizzcrank and Lightbringer for now.

A World of WarCraft Remote service is $2.99 USD a month.

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