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General14 years ago

s2, Bisu score 4 to crown SK Telecom victor


The zerg player "s2" was one game away from doing a clean sweep against KT Rolster. Having defeated the two Zerg players "Action" and "Crazy-Hydra" in the first two games, s2 took his third win against Protoss player "Stats" after a well-timed zerglings with speed and hydralisk attack on "Stats".

It was the 'Ultimate Weapon' "Flash" who could break the winning streak of the SK Telecom T1 zerg. The Terran wonderboy took a fast expansion, and could fend off the harassing mutalisks in good fashion despite losing a couple of SCVs, marines and turrets. With a boosting economy and a solid marine medic troop, Flash could score the first win for his team.

SK Telecom T1 then sent out Bisu to chain the Monster Terran. The Protoss hindered the Terran from taking an early expansion in the beginning with stellar zealot harass, but could eventually hold it off. But Bisu was quick in following up with a dragoon push, which severely punctured Flash's play.

But Flash would come back and gain ground. He attempted to cut off the map in half and grab some more expansions, but Bisu could push Flash back who still suffered from setback in finance by the early zealot harassment.

SK Telecom T1 4-1 KT Rolster
Korea s21-0 Korea Action
Korea s22-0 Korea Crazy-Hydra
Korea s23-0 Korea Stats
Korea s23-1 Korea Flash
Korea Bisu4-1 Korea Flash

- "It's been a long time since the last time I stood at the stage of the finals, and when we won," said Bisu to Fomos afterwards. He added, "Our team had always been weak in Winners' League, but since we were able to the throne this time, I'm really happy."

The most valuable player of SK Telecom T1, s2, says he felt really lucky after the wins. The team's zerg players are not so known for being top tier, but that is something s2 wants to change.

- "Everyone on the Zerg line has been working really hard, and it will be hard to take advantage of today’s win to completely change our image, but I will work even harder to change our image into a good one from now on."
