A short four question Q&A with John was recently posted in regards to the casting changes to the Code A matches. Since the last GSL Code A match day, a total of two new casters have joined the casting ranks, Kelly 'Milkies' Ong and Erik "doa" Lonnquist. Erik made quite an impression on most of the viewers while Kelly still seems to draw the ire of certain viewers.
In the Q&A John explains why new casters were chosen for Code A and why they seem to be switching out so much. He explains that over the next few months and seasons that GOMtv will be giving these new casters tryouts. This means that if one of them disappears it does not mean that they are not still around in South Korea, it just means they are giving someone else a try.
John also explains why the decision was made to hire new casters and that it was actually Artosis and Tasteless' idea to hire new casters. Prior to this season, both of them had been casting around 4 to 8 matches 6 days a week.
Lastly, John also answers a fairly critical question that has been raised by many viewers:
A : We chose the candidates among hundreds of people who applied for the job. There are many factors that need to be considered in such process. It is one thing to cast in one's private stream and another thing to cast live in front of a camera, in a different country. Therefore it is not just knowledge and speaking ability that are important.
The new casters have so far received mixed reviews and with more new casters to come, John assures us that improvement cannot come without change.
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