What is RGC? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RGC or Ranked Gaming Client is a channel based DotA platform, which merges mechanisms from IRC and Garena. Games will be hosted automatically once ten users sign in one channel.The chatserver is currently located in London (UK), the gameservers in France, Brazil and Romania. The platform whose client needs to be downloaded and extracted, established itself as one of the most stable providers at the moment and counts among the highest player numbers in the world. |
About this timespan will be given to all teams to say goodbye from Garena hostbots, as the latest ddos problems, alongside GGTV's downfall seemed to be too severe to hold onto the client.
With more and more notables joining RGC through this move, the influence of the Ranked Gaming Client in competitive DotA is about to experience a huge boost. While the French RGC-server suffered from a ddos attack a few weeks ago as well, a newly opened additional server with unknown data, on which the DotA-League channel is located, is called completely safe. RGC founder and owner Roger "Sir-Rogers" Weber is further developing a reconnect tool, next to making the client WTV-compatible (already done!).
The DotA-League administration justifies the move in five points:
Disconnect Protection: Many of you probably know GProxy. RGC has basically the same disconnection protection included. You don`t even need an extra tool. This means that some disconnects will be prevented. We will see less remakes or reloads as well as less 4on5s.
Prevention of DDos-Attacks: Some users might remember the extreme lags at the semifinal of our Razer Global Challenge between MYM and Nv.cn. We even allowed the teams to play without a stream in the end. The players will be better protected from such attacks, if they use the Ranked Game Client instead of Garena.
Stable WaaaghTV-Streams: How many times, were we forced to remake a game because the stream did not work, although all settings were correct? The functioning of WTV on Garena hostbots was very unstable. We have tested WTV on RGC a lot and so far all streams were fine. The pre-match waiting times will most likely be reduced and games without streams will occur less.
A cooperative developer: A few weeks ago, a lot of essential features were missing in RGC. But the hard-working developer Sir-Rogers fixed all problems. He integrated WTV, created a Dota-League channel and coded some useful functions - just for us. This also means: If admins, players, or even viewers have any good ideas about how to improve the client, it might be included into RGC very fast.
Despite Garena staying the intermediate default platfrom for all events, the announcement seems to be of serious caliber and should be taken as a reward for the good way, RGC has constantly been going. The new DotA-League channel can be found in DotA - > Europe -> Leagues, though a vouch is neccessary for joining. Find out how to obtain a vouch and learn more about RGC in the link key.

DotA-League.com - Source
rankedgaming.com - RGC Homepage with Download option