The question yesterday was whether FEARZ were aware of who the two stand-ins in KW were. To avoid an issue like this in the future, the rules have been changed (see 2.1.b.) to the following:
2.) General Rules
2.1.) Teams/Players
a) Each team's roster can consist of up to 8 members, including the manager.
All teams are allowed to change their roster one time throughout the event.
b) Using a standin in a game is only allowed if there is no other possibility to play the match. When using a standin
- the opponent team has to agree.
- the Gosucup #3 admins have to be notified.
- the standin has to play with his nickname. Fake-nicking is forbidden.
A team, that plays with a non-registered or non-approved player will recieve a default loss for every game in which that player participated. The player will furthermore get banned from the tournament.
FEARZ and Kw both agreed to a rematch, which will be held Tuesday at 18CET. No further disciplinary actions will be taken.