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General14 years ago

Saturday: LRM to open iCCup Clan League Division A


The first playday of the iCCup ClanLeague kicks off this Saturday. Previous seasons were dented with high inactivity and many walkovers, but the organization behind the league hopes the new season will be different.

- "We sorted out the dead wood and sadly had to close one division," writes the management on the league website.

With lack of serious teams, the clanleague is now down to four divisions: A, B1, B2 and C. Additional seasons will be added next season if more clans sign in.

- "For now we had to decide between more semi-active and half-dead zombified clans and five divisions or four really active divisions. We picked the last option," can be read.

Big favorite in the A division, Los Reyes Del Mambo, LRM, will go up against the Russians in FRee FRiends Team. Labeled as "War of the Week", the clash will be streamed by iCcup's own Sayles at 19:00 CET on Saturday, January 15.

iCCup Clan League Division A teams

LRM Evolutions (LRM)
Army From Future (aFF)
International Federation of Untouchables (iFU)
Gamers Never Stop Team B (gNs)
sas (sas)
FRee FReidnds Team (FR)
Avatars of Victory (AoV)
Night Creatures (nC)
ArtykGaming (ArtyK)
Noobs (Nb)

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