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15 years ago

inFlux trio join FnaticMSI on permanent basis


Yesterday it became official that FnaticMSI have booted Julius "Kay" Fraatz and Jesse "budgi" Kuusisto to instead bring in three inFlux players.

Tal "Bot" Aizik, Johan "n0tail" Sundstein and Jascha "NoVa_" Markuse have all three been playing with Fnatic during the latest weeks, during the Newerth League Opener tournament and the ESL Cup. Now they will be on the team on a permanent basis.

- "We did some trial runs with them and the results have been more than impressive. The new players Bot, NoVa and n0tail have been very impressive on an individual basis. This move will no doubt make us the best time not only in Europe but in the world," says Elroy "Noname" Pinto, general manager of FnaticMSI.

The team page announcement does not mention Jesse "budgi" Kuusisto at all. » GosuGamers reported back in July that Budgi was unsure of continuing. As it looks today, he is no longer in the team.

Israel Tal 'Bot' Aizik
Denmark Johan 'n0tail' Sundstein
Germany Jascha 'NoVa_' Markuse
Denmark Henrik 'FreshPro' Hansen
Finland Kalle 'Trixi' Saarinen
Finland Aku 'duQi' Hyttinen
Finland Antti 'Rexi' Saarenpaa

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