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15 years ago

Starcraft 2 Beta Patch 17

Patch notes for the 17th patch of the Starcraft 2 beta is out, just a few days into phase 2.

StarCraft II Beta – Patch 17 (version

o 250mm Strike Cannons can no longer deal damage to hidden targets.
o Barracks build time decreased from 65 to 60 seconds.
o Bunker build time decreased from 40 to 30 seconds.
o Canceling morphing Banelings now returns 75% of the cost like other morphing Zerg units.
o Hellion range reverted from 6 to 5.
o Reaper build time decreased from 45 to 40 seconds.
o Zealot build time decreased from 38 to 33 seconds.

This is a fairly small patch that focuses mostly on rolling back some unstated changes in phase two, so there aren't too many exciting changes. A lot of things revert back to the way they were at the end of Phase 1. We'll see if things heat up in terms of patch changes as there is less than a week left of Starcraft 2 Beta.

Links Forums - Patch 17 Notes