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15 years ago

WCG 2010: StarCraft arrives at LAX and is added to the event's official game titles


World Cyber Games has announced that StarCraft: Brood War will be one of the official game titles for the event.

Ever since 2001, StarCraft: Brood War has been one of the official game titles at the World Cyber Games. The saga continues as WCG recently announced that StarCraft: Brood War will also be included in this year's event.

This means we will see both StarCraft and WarCraft 3 this year, but so far there has been no announcements about StarCraft 2, most likely because we're still waiting for a release date (which is said to be announced in the upcoming weeks), though it seems unlikely that the sequel will be included at WCG this year.

World Cyber Games will be held in the Convention Center in Los Angeles this year, a date for the grand finals is yet to be announced.

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