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General15 years ago

Zerg got nerfed in the fifth patch

Hydralisks and infestors got nerfed as well as the protoss' warp gates' buildtime increased. No changes for terran in the fifth patch for the StarCraft 2 beta.

Balance changes


Cybernetics Core:
- Warp Gate research time increased from 60 seconds to 140 seconds.


- Burrow research time increased from 50 seconds to 100 seconds.
- Burrow research cost increased from 50 Minerals and 50 Vespene Gas to 100 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas.

Nydus Network:
- Nydus Worm build time increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.

- The delay between attacks has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 0.83 seconds.

Neural Parasite has been redesigned:
- The limited duration of 10 seconds has been removed.
- Can no longer target air units.
- Cast range decreased from 9 to 7.
- Burrowed Infestor move speed decreased from 1.5 to 1.
- Infestor life decreased from 120 to 90.
- Infestors that are burrowed now have the same threat level as above-ground units for the purposes of automatically acquiring targets.

Bug fixes

- Fixed an issue with High graphics settings that could cause particles not to render.

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