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General15 years ago

NWL Week 6: Germany leader, LML, is confident

The sixth week of Nation War League is up, with some tight races for the playoffs as there are only two rounds left to play. GosuGamers sat down with Germany leader, LML.

NWL - Week 6
Group D - Friday 02/12-17:00CET
Germany Germany0-0Italy Italybet
Israel Israel0-0Brazil Brazilbet
Norway Norway0-0Hungary Hungarybet
Group A - Saturday 02/13-21:00CET
United States USA A0-0Chile Chilebet
France France0-0Portugal Portugalbet
Bulgaria Bulgaria B0-0Czech Republic Czech
Group B - Saturday 02/13-21:00CET
Chile Chile B0-0Russia Russiabet
Bulgaria Bulgaria0-0Canada Canadabet
Netherlands Netherlands0-0Romania Romaniabet
Group C - Saturday 02/13-21:00CET
Poland Poland0-0United Kingdom UKbet
United States USA B0-0Romania Romania Bbet
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This week, Norway takes on Hungary, which will be deciding for who moves on to the playoffs, and even if Norway manages to win, Hungary still have one match left to play in the final week, meaning a big win for Norway is what's needed to feel confident after their last week of playing.

Chile and USA A will battle it out this week for the second place, and a spot in the playoffs as well. Chile is ahead, but USA A still has a chance to move on with good results in their final games.

Romania has grabbed the second place of group B and are facing a suffering Netherlands sharing the bottom spot with Russia. With a big win here, the Romanians are assured a ticket to the playoffs. With a loss, however, Chile B still got a chance by defeating Russia.

Only two games in group C this week as Latvia quit the Nation War League. United Kingdom meets up with Poland, who has been dominating the group so far. United Kingdom needs to take some points to have the slightest chance to stay in the race for a playoffs spot. USA B is on a tiebreaker with Argentina on the second place right now, taking on Romania B this week.

Germany has been doing very well so far in the tournament, and are close to a playoffs spot. This week they will be taking on Italy, who beat secondplace challengers, Norway last week. GosuGamers sat down for an interview with the nation leader of Germany, LML.

What do you think of your performance in NWL so far?
I am happy that we went 4-0 so far, overall, but I think we could have still been doing better. The first place is our goal for Group D, and currently it looks like our goal is within reach.

What are your expectations for the next nation war?
well, it's versus Italy, currently ranked in the middle of the group, but they managed to take down Norway with 3-2 last Friday. This shows what Italy is capable of, and that they are no way to be taken easy, but are rather solid opponents, who we need to get a good lineup against. I believe in a win from our side though, but I doubt it will be a run-over.

Who do you see as favorites of each group, and favorites of the whole tournament and why?
Group A: Czech and Chile are currently first, and I believe they can do it, I would have thought of a greater performance by Peru, and in my opinion the USA A Team could've also been doing better, but the point gap between the first two ranked and the third ranked USA Team is too big by now, in my opinion.

Group B: Canada is first with a nice and solid lead which makes them most likely to advance. Romania is five points behind them but the third and the fourth ranked teams, Peru B, who are doing better here than their A Team is doing in Group A, and Chile B, are tied and only three points behind the Romanians, hence it's still an open fight, in my eyes.

Group C: Poland has a great advantage, and I strongly believe that they will keep the first place. The second place is still very open, with nine whole points behind Poland we can find USA B and Argentina sharing this rank, but Sweden B, Romania B and the UK are right behind them, each with only one point difference to each other, so there it's still pretty open.

Group D: Of course I am rooting for Germany, and I also believe in us having very good chances to advance, even being first, as we've got a win versus the second and the third, so we've probably already won against the best competitors. The second place will most likely go to Norway, but Hungary is also a strong team, and not thinking about giving up at all.