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The Ultimate Aurora Combat Guide
LoL3 months ago

League of Legends: The Ultimate Aurora Combat Guide

Hop onto victory with these combat tips and tricks to maximise Aurora on the Summoner's Rift.

Aurora, the newest League of Legends (LoL) champion is here! 

Positioned as a skirmisher mage, Aurora can be played in both the mid and top lanes. If you’re looking to expand your champion pool and pull a rabbit out of a hat in-game, you might want to give her a spin.

Mage enthusiasts who enjoy champions like Ahri and Neeko will find Aurora's skill set particularly appealing. And if you relish the cunning playstyles of Teemo, Shaco, or LeBlanc, you'll also appreciate the clever tricks Aurora has up her sleeve.

If you haven't tried Aurora yet and need a breakdown of all her abilities and what they do, we've got you covered. But if you've already tested her out and are still wondering how you can outplay your opponents with her, don't worry as we’ve gone down the rabbit hole for you. 

In this guide, we’ll quickly cover potential combat combinations, some gameplay tips to win your lane, as well as playstyles you can use and take advantage of her with her kit.

Best Combos: 

Aurora's abilities are crafted to deliver rapid bursts of damage and then gracefully evade enemies. Minus the Shrooms, I would liken her ability to escape like Teemo.

Bread-and-butter damage: Q-E-Q Combo

Aurora's Q-E-Q sequence is her most reliable method for dealing damage. This combo can activate her three-hit passive and Electrocute (if you choose it) on multiple targets, whether it’s a wave of minions or a cluster of enemies in a team fight. The crucial aspect of this combo is to always use Q before E, as reversing the order causes a noticeable delay that gives opponents time to react.

Optimizing combo execution: Advanced Combo

To make your combo faster and more effective, you can use a technique called input buffering. Here’s how it works:

  • Input Buffering: When you press Q, you can immediately press Flash afterwards. This makes Q cast more quickly after the Flash, catching your enemies off guard.
  • Using E with Flash: You can do the same with your E ability. Press E, and then quickly Flash. This makes the E ability harder for enemies to see coming and react to.
  • Quick Combo: If you have fast fingers, you can combine these moves: press Q, then E, and finally Flash. Doing this in quick succession can create a powerful and hard-to-dodge attack.

This technique is very useful because it makes your attacks faster and more surprising, increasing your chances of getting kills. It’s a good idea to practice this combo until you can do it smoothly and quickly.

Optimizing Q’s Execute Potential

Another important tip for using Q is to take advantage of its Execute damage. Whenever possible, wait for enemy shields to deplete or burn effects to tick down before using the return part of the damage. This strategic timing can often be the difference between securing a kill or missing it.

Laning Phase

Aurora is a straightforward champion with predictable trading patterns, so mastering a few key strategies will help you win most skirmishes. Focus on clearing waves by positioning yourself strategically around your opponent and capitalizing on trading opportunities, using the movement speed from Spirit Mode to aid in this.

Your primary trading combo is the Q-E-Q sequence. It’s simple and effective, forming the core of your lane engagements. 

However, Aurora's spells have relatively short ranges, especially when playing mid, putting her at a disadvantage compared to other mages.

This is where your W ability becomes crucial. If you're struggling to reach your opponent, use W to close the gap. The hop provides stealth and increased movement speed, allowing you to surprise your opponent and set up a QE trade that’s difficult to dodge due to the stealth.

Maximising Aurora across the Summoner’s Rift

Aurora offers flexibility in her playstyle, allowing her to either burst down opponents or brawl in extended fights. 

Burst Mage Playstyle

If you opt for a burst build, there's a straightforward tactic to quickly eliminate squishy targets. Though your stealth duration is brief, it lasts long enough to catch someone off guard as they approach. 

This is particularly effective when enemies are contesting mid priority and walking predictably forward. 

Stealth into the lane as they move toward you, and you'll have just enough time to surprise them with a quick Q-E-Q combo, which deals substantial damage even without a full burst build.

You can also utilize stealth to ambush opponents from brushes, taking advantage of vision control to score quick kills or significant poke damage. 

Side lane skirmishing and split pushing

In side lanes, Aurora has the tools necessary for a split-push mage, with her passive providing percentage-based damage for consistent DPS, allowing her to shred through tanks or bruisers. Her mobility also makes her difficult to catch, enabling her to escape when outnumbered.

Take note though that she has all the tools to escape, she’s particularly vulnerable against assassins when her escape tools are on cooldown.

Team Fighting Prowess - Her Ultimate is the key

Despite her split-push potential, Aurora is designed for team fights. Her R is crucial, primarily used to lock down multiple enemies. To do this, use Across the Veil to position yourself, then unleash a barrage of AoE spirit magic to wreak havoc. 

You can also funnel enemies into a confined space before trapping them Between Worlds, setting up your team for an easy cleanup.

With these combat tips, Aurora can help you see the game through a different set of eyes and dominate the Summoner's Rift. Whether you're brawling in side lanes or leading the charge in team fights, you'll find that playing Aurora is a chance to hop to victory and navigate the battlefield like a hare escaping the hounds.

Stay tuned next week as we dive into the best builds, teammates, and counters for Aurora!

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