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Korea MSI 2022

South Korea will reportedly play host for the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational 2022

South Korea will reportedly host MSI 2022.

According to Dotesports who broke the article, it has been reported that South Korea will apparently play host to the upcoming Mid-Season Invitational 2022. If this does turn out to be true, it will be the first time that South Korea has played host to an official Riot event with their last dating back to Worlds 2018. As of right now, there are no further updates about where exactly in South Korea will MSI be held or even when it will take place.

Up until recently, South Korea was the only region to never have hosted the MSI before. With Worlds 2018 being their last major tournament, it will be interesting to see what South Korea has to offer if this does turn out to be true. Much like the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Riot's hand into creating a "bubble system" in China for Worlds 2020 as well as both MSI and Worlds 2021 in Iceland.

With MSI 2022 reportedly happening in South Korea, it couldn't have come at a better time for the LCK. Having been one of the best regions for quite some time now, no team from the LCK has won MSI since T1's back-to-back wins in 2016 and 2017. DWG.KIA did come close last year but could not keep up with Royal Never Gives Up, who were eventually crowned champions.

Given MSI's track record on when it will be happening, we can safely assume that it will start either at the end of April or at the beginning of May. While there has been no official word from Riot as of yet, stay tuned as we will be updating you as we get closer to MSI 2022.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.