Counter Logic Gaming shows the dividends of their coaching by pulling a huge upset win against Cloud 9 in a one-sided victory.
CLG vs. C9
A classic matchup would kick off the North American LCS, with a rematch involving CLG attempting to get revenge and earn results they had early in Season 3's summer season. It wasn't until ten minutes in the first fight commenced, CLG was able to get first blood and get dragon following up. CLG were making Lemonnation a target, punishing him and keeping a small gold advantage.
Counter Logic Gaming kept pressing their kill advantage, but still didn't take a tower while Cloud 9 had one and were pressuring others. Cloud 9 were behind in gold at 19 minutes but acquired 3 towers. Off of their ace, CLG was able to take a baron and slowly push two inhibitors down with a massive kill lead. It wasn't long before CLG baited baron, forcing Cloud 9 into an uncomfortable position that allowed CLG to close out the game.
EG vs. CRS
Voyboy continued to show his assassin obsession with his Akali pick, but found himself very bullied early against Pobelter's fast level 2 Leblanc. Evil Geniuses were the first to pick up a kill in this game, resulting in an early 1k gold lead. Curse answered it with an early dragon and slowly shifted the gold lead in their favor. Curse Gaming were able to keep a small but steady lead, though both had the exact same amount of towers killed.
EG were able to ace Curse after a sloppy engage, taking advantage of Curse's overzealous nature. Evil Geniuses were finding the most ideal of fights, decimating the lineup of Curse from the gold surmounted from their tremendous tower lead. Eventually, Evil Geniuses were able to decimate Curse and take a much needed win.