Yesterday Chaox officially announced his retirement from the pro scene. For now his focus will shift on streaming.
Chaox has made some broad claims of being the most talented player, undoubdtedly, during Season 2 when TSM was the world's most dominant before the debut of Moscow 5. Originally starting out as a support-bruiser player and transitioning into ADC for the Season 1 World Championships, Chaox has made quite a name for himself through both talent and controversy.
While having been one of the most personified talents in the scene, Chaox had issues with being late to practice and general communication issues within the team -- most of which has not been disclosed to the community. After being fired by Reginald and the team to move forward and Chaox having traveled abroad to Asia, receiving invites to Cloud 9 and coaching offers from Chinese organizations like Invictus Gaming, Chaox has set foot in what he really feels like doing after having had time to analyze and think about it.
Chaox believes that streaming is profiteable in the long run as an entertainment medium and will be pursuing it full-time for his living. This will make the 2nd ex-member of TSM to quit playing on a professional level and using streaming entertainment as means of a future. Chaox was a professional player all the way from Season 1 to the earlier parts of 2013.