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End-Game Builds & Quick Stats
Courtesty of LoLeSports
Game 1
While no first bloods or crazy level one fights happened in the beginning of the Grand Finals, Godlike's utility Malphite start allowed him to sustain and require no help from the jungler while Bengi had to hold top. Even with sharing the lane, SKT T1 lost their first tower to Uzi and Tabe on Vayne and Sona, with SKT T1 striking back with a first blood.
Uzi would show his strong mechanics by pulling off a 2-0 in an even fight down bottom, with Uzi maneuvering and using the correct summoners at the correct time to keep the kills even, but Royal Club still in the tower lead. A huge swing around happened with a 4 man dive from SKT T1 which secured two kills and allowed for an easy dragon. This allowed the gold gap to grow heavily in SKT T1's favor.
Royal Club continued to group up as they would traditionally, but ended up overcommitting with SKT T1 overly prepared for their dives, with extensive vision on the map. Despite the massive deficit in kills, towers, and gold, Royal Club finds engages with excellent Orianna ultimates. Regardless of Royal's attempt, SKT's siege was overwhelming.
After that, it was a clean sweep from SKT T1, pushing in with a final moment to ace Royal Club and show absolute dominance in game 1. Faker's explosive cask absolutely melted the opposition, pushing the series into a game 2.
Game 2
Royal Club's bravery was next level after their smash in game 1 by allowing Faker to get Zed. The bravery didn't stop there and Royal Club went ahead and locked in Kassadin. SKT T1 gave Royal Club a taste of their own medicine with early aggressive 3 man dives. Overall after 6 minutes, Royal Club found solid recovery with the focus being on feeding Royal Club's bottom lane.
SKT T1's plans were strong as well as their executions. With an insane R-Q-R Combo from Lee Sin, Tabe absolutely melted, giving SKT an easy 1 turret lead and a huge gold advantage. With their map control and Faker having over 10 CS a minute, SKT T1 were very quickly turning this game into a snowbally steamroll. Somehow, Royal Club found their way back into the game with an ace.
After the initial ace, another catch onto Faker allowed for them to grab mid tower and continue to find their way back into the game. Absolute insanity ensued in the next teamfight as Royal Club got an advantage but went overzealous, allowing Piglet to capitalize and even out the fight. SKT T1 caught Royal Club in a fight that they were not anticipating, crushing them in a 5 for 1.
SKT T1 acquired baron around the 30 minute mark and SKT secured a massive advantage. Faker was able to absolutely melt Whit3zZ. With some incredible mechanics, Uzi almost made things happen with Whit3zz, but the game was solidified in a near pentakill from Piglet.
Game 3
While SKT acquired Jax again, Royal Club answered back with better picks than the previous. A facecheck early crushed Godlike on Kennen early, sending him back which set him behind. He was set behind once again after a dive, acquiring first blood for Bengi and an assist for Jax, who was at 41 CS 8 minutes in despite the disadvantage.
Royal Club found a way to grab an early turret advantage, but SKT T1 seemed to simply be outplaying, constantly finding ways to catch up and securing the first dragon of the game. At this point, the momentum was in favor of SK Telecom T1 while the opposite effect was plaguing Royal Club. Falling away from their traditional style, Royal Club found themselves playing defensive.
In the end, Royal Club found themselves defeated in a crushing 0-3, submitting the $1,000,000 prize pool to SK Telecom T1.