Blizzard has finally decided to let the dogs out. Low health heroes beware.
It's time once again for a new hero release. Greymane, the leader of the Worgen will soon be joining us in The Nexus. With his mobility, shapeshifting prowess, and hard hitting auto attacks, Greymane looks to be a force to be reckoned with.
In case you've forgotten who Greymane is and what he does, he is the latest assassin to enter Heroes of the Storm. "But Gosu" you're clearly asking "Is he a ranged assassin, or a melee assassin?" That's what makes him so unique, Greymane is able to freely swap between a ranged (Human) and melee (Worgen) stance giving him a wide variety of choices in both combat and builds.
Be careful all you prospective duelers, as Greymane is capable of dishing out a remarkable amount of damage, but can't take much himself. He has very few options aside from pure mobility to negate damage and is an easy target to burst down if caught out.
As awesome of a hero Greymane is, unfortunately he's all we're getting tomorrow. Blizzard has confirmed that balance changes will not be happening in tomorrow's patch. This is very concerning for fans of the game, as players pro, amateur, and casual alike have expressed their issues with the current state of the game.
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