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General10 years ago

Datamined info reveals King Leoric's talents and possible hint at Diablo 3 wizard as playable hero.

Just a day before the patch goes live, the crew at Heroes Nexus has uncovered a host of new info about King Leoric, including Master skin and the all important /dance videos.

Heroes Nexus has released another cool datamine regarding the new patch, and in it a lot of interesting details can be found. You can see some of the new skins for the new Heroes in action, but these have already been revealed weeks ago. The most interesting piece of info might be a simple filename:


The file "leoricbase_killwizard00.fxe" was found, which tells a pretty obvious story. It stands to reason that if King Leoric has a sound clip named "Killwizard00.fxe" then there has to be a wizard in the game for him to kill. Is this a confirmation that the Diablo 3 Wizard will make it into the game? Possibly. All of this info is subject to change, and this is merely a hint for hopeful Wizard fans.

The other piece of notable info is this King Leoric preview. In the video, it shows his abilities, heroics, and most importantly his resurrection talent mechanic. It appears that King Leoric will have access to spectral versions of his abilities that do no damage but still slow and heal Leoric. This healing is what reduces his death timer, as indicated by the "Cheat Death" timer at the bottom right side of the screen. 

Check out their site for more info, including a pretty accurate looking talent tree for King Leoric. All of this info is always subject to change, but it seems unlikely.


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