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Hearthstone9 years ago

Decklist spotlight: Sottle’s Brann Bronzebeard Battlecry Shaman

Tired of Reno Jackson highlanders? His explorer colleague Brann Bronzebeard also has cool stuff to offer.

If [card]Reno Jackson[/card] became the savior of control decks, [card]Brann Bronzebeard[/card] got deckbuilders just as excited to build combo and synergistic decks. We’ve seen anything from Mill Rogues to 4/17 [card]Twilight Drake[/card]s in Handlocks and Malylocks appear on ladder, but in this article we’re going to take a look at a very underrepresented class: Shaman.

Complexity’s Simon “Sottle” Welch is known as one of the best analysts and creative deckbuilders in Hearthstone and here he is, doing crazy things with Thrall. This midrange deck is heavy on battlecry’s not only because of [card]Brann Bronzebeard[/card] but also the pair of [card]Rumbling Elemental[/card]s, Shaman’s new board-clear tool.

There are a lot of Brann synergies in this deck. Early game combos include double discovers from [card]Jeweled Scarab[/card] or double summons from [card]Tuskarr Totemic[/card]. The mid to late game synergies include massive [card]Fireguard Destroyer[/card]s, double card draws from [card]Azure Drake[/card], 6-damage [card]Fire Elemental[/card]s and, of course, quad-bomb [card]Dr Boom[/card], as if two Boombots weren’t trouble enough.

[deck linked]1983[/deck]