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Hearthstone9 years ago

HWC Preview: ThijsNL vs Ostkaka

The first semifinal of the Hearthstone World Championship will be a clash of the two remaining European players.

The match promises some of the highest level thinking in competitive Hearthstone. For starters, the two players have a very similar, unexpected line-up. As the only two players in the tournament they recognized the strength of Patron Warrior after the nerf of [card]Warsong Commander[/card]. Next to that, both players are bringing a Freeze Mage, albeit with slight variances. The difference between the line-ups of the two players are ThijsNL's Dragon Priest and Ostkaka's Oil Rogue.

In terms of statistics, ThijsNL has a far better record. Not only is he still on the legendary win streak, not long ago he already proved himself against Ostkaka. During the European Championships' group stage the Dutchman beat Ostkaka fairly easily with a 3-1 victory. ThijsNL then proceeded to win the whole tournament altogether, crowning himself the European Champion. Ostkaka is not to be taken lightly, though. The young Swede's skills are already acknowledged by nearly every professional within the scene, and the community is catching up as well. According to the post-match interview Ostkaka had with host Rachel "Seltzer" Quirico, he considers ThijsNL and himself as the strongest contenders amongst the remaining players.

For full coverage of the event, check out our Hearthstone World Championship page.