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Hearthstone10 years ago

This week’s Tavern Brawl to feature TGT cards

After renovation of the tavern, the Brawl will be the first chance to see the new TGT cards in action.

The Grand Tournament is likely getting released on August 24, which means we have less than one week left in the old meta. The community is in a state of titillation, savoring the influx of new cards. But the good news is that we won’t have to wait till next week.

It’s a similar deal to when the last expansion was about to launch. A week before Goblins versus Gnomes was out, the new cards appeared in Arena, incentivizing even the die-hard constructed fans to enter this mode just so they could play with the new tools. This time around, TGT cards are invading Hearthstone’s newest play mode – Tavern Brawl.

The Tavern Brawls start on Wednesday and last till the end of the weekend and it will again be the case with the TGT one. Players will be able to enter the play mode and try out some of the new cards releasing next week.

Similar to the Ragnaros versus Nefarian brawl, you will play as either one of two characters – Medivh running an Inspire deck and Alleria piloting jousters.

The time and date is Wednesday, August 19th, 17:00 CEST.