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Hearthstone10 years ago

Vote for the best 20 cards in our February card design contest!

The GosuCrew is finally done grading all the submitted cards for our February card design contenst and we have our top 20. Now, it's your turn to vote.

Two weeks ago, we announced the start of a wonderful initiative - the monthly "GosuGamers card design contest". The rules were simple: make a card and send it to us for grading so we can determine the 20 best submissions and give them up for community voting.

We knew you guys loved designing cards but we underestimated just how much! We got around 240 submissions and it took us literally several days to sort them and grade them as best as we could. The grading process was done by a committee of seven GosuCrew members, each one doing it independently, without knowing how his colleagues graded the cards. The scores themselves were between 0 (terrible) and 10 (superb), meaning the maximum possible score a card could get was 70. 

Below, you will see the top 20 cards ordered alphabetically and the poll which you can use to vote for your favorite. We'll also provide an album with all the submissions.

Enjoy and spread the word around!


The Top 20






The polls will be open until February 28th, when we will announce the three winners, who will win a Hearthstone pillow (1st place), Hearthstone mug (2nd place) or a Hearthstone keychain (3rd place). On the same day, we'll announce the theme for the March contest and will re-open the contest email again!



Card stats



Note that not all cards submitted were approved for grading because several users broke the "One card per user" rule, to the extent that we had one email with over 30 submissions. If you want to be eligible for the contest, do not do that.

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